Chapter 5

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Waking up, Ghost's head felt heavy, throbbing as the light hit his pupils. He laid in a brighter room on dark hardwood floor surrounded by plaster walls. The smell was almost absent, unlike the musky smell that filled the room before. He moved, expecting the sound of another chain, but the silence wasn't broken. Looking around he saw a similar filthy bed like the one in the first room, but Ana was nowhere in sight. Panic filled his breathing as his eyes scanned the room. There was a barely visible door that was flush with the wall. Upon standing up, Ghost felt his head spin and his stomach turn. Trying to get himself straight, Ghost shook his head slightly, but it only heightened his nausea. He walked steadily to the bed and sat down. Putting his head in his hands, he tried to think of the last thing he remembered before being knocked unconscious. Only thing I remember is seeing Ana fighting.. She was fighting hard. Any other torment they could've done to her, he quickly brushed away, not wanting to think of the worst. He looked around the room again, this time having a cleared mind. Nothing, just like the other room. FUCK... I have to get us out of here. As he tried to think of a way to escape, he heard the door unlock and open with the man Julio called Carlos and another unknown man walking in.

"Ghost, you're awake." Carlos' voice would sound menacing to others, but to Ghost it didn't have the same effect. "Where is she?" Releasing a looming chuckle, he spoke in a low tone, "She's no longer your problem, or anyone else's for that matter." Ghost's eyes widened in disbelief, rage stirring in his chest like an active volcano, ready to erupt. "You're fucking lying." "Am I?" Carlos tilted his head, looking at Ghost through his demonic eyes. "Mark, show him." The other man standing there threw something at Ghost. As it landed in front of him, he noticed it was a photo, and in the photo was a bloody and beaten, naked Ana. No, no, no, no, NO. Dread, hysteria and panic swirled in Ghost's chest as his heart pounded and his breathing felt like fire as his body shook violently. "Sorry, guess we had too much fun with her." Both men began laughing as if a joke was told. The laughing soon stopped when Ghost launched himself at Carlos, catching him off guard. With Carlos' neck in his hand he pulled back the other arm, putting everything he had in him, punching him in the nose. Mark moved to attack but the rage Ghost felt made him unstoppable as he elbowed him in the bridge of his nose, breaking it instantly and sent bone shards through his face. As Mark fell to the ground, Ghost continued to beat Carlos, blood scattering everywhere as he fell to the ground. Ghost stood over the two bloody men and grabbed Carlos by the hair, lowering himself to speak in his ear. "You should've killed me first." As the threat left his lips, Ghost forcefully slammed his face into the hard ground nearly knocking him unconscious. Letting go of his hair, Carlos laid on his stomach groaning in immeasurable pain. Rage blinded Ghost, the small amount of resistance he had sat in the back of his mind, watching the barbaric actions his hands committed. Ghost brought his leg up, violently stomping Mark's face into the ground until he stopped moving, bones, brain matter and blood painting anything nearby, and coating his boot. Before turning his attention to Carlos once more, Ghost searched Mark's dead body for a knife until he found one tucked away in his boot. Ghost grabbed Carlos by the collar pulling him to his feet, immediately burying the blade deep into his abdomen. Carlos grunted in pain as fear filled his eyes for the first time in his adult life. Looking into the dark masses that were once Ghost's eyes, Carlos weakly tried to fight off Ghost as he pulled the blade from his abdomen. Ghost stabbed him once more, this time twisting it and digging it deep into his pelvic bone as it could go, causing Carlos' face to turn green. Releasing the bile that rose in his throat, his pain was unbearable as his body nearly went into shock; from the pain and rising fear he felt looking into Ghost's blank, cold expression, not a sound was made by his attacker as he tortured him. Throwing him to the floor, Ghost walked towards the bed that was held by a metal frame. Using little effort, Ghost threw the mattress aside, grabbing the pole that was erected at the bottom of the bed, checking it for sturdiness. Carlos' eyes widened at the many possibilities of what Ghost could do to him ran through his mind, "Ghost please, she's not dead. I'll even let you go..." "Littl' late for tha'." Ghost barked with the voice of a man Satan himself would be wise to avoid. Grabbing his collar once more, Ghost yanked the bleeding man off the floor, carrying him towards the bed. Pulling Carlos' face close to his Ghost spoke low, "You're gonna feel what she felt." Suddenly Ghost lifted Carlos far above his head under his arms, and slammed him onto the pole of the bed, impaling through his rectum. Carlos screamed so loudly, his throat cracked roughly as he desperately attempted to break free, only making it worse for himself, pain spreading through his body, killing himself slowly. As Ghost watched the pathetic man in front of him jerking himself around. His breathing was rapid, taking in the sight of what he had done without an ounce of sorrow. As Carlos gradually stopped moving, his expression went blank, and his eyes closed slowly. Upon his heart stopping, Julio's body twitched and went limp. Standing in front of the bed body that stood with the assistance of only the bedframe, he plunged the blade deep into Carlos' forehead, the sound of his skull cracking filled the room.

Tortured | Simon "Ghost" RileyWhere stories live. Discover now