Chapter 6

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Before leaving the room, Ghost searched Carlos for a gun, but came up with nothing. Really underestimated me didn't he. Peaking his head out of the opened door, Ghost looked left and right, making sure there were no hostiles. Covered in blood, Ghost walked quietly through the dirty dark halls. As he walked, he checked around corners and into rooms, looking for Ana and a way to protect himself. Upon entering a room, he finally found a loaded ACR. Once again shifting through the building, it was eerily quiet. Reaching another room, he carefully and quietly cracked the door open, peaking inside. His eyes widened as he saw a wall with at least 10 monitors. Each one showing a piece of the obviously small property, and there was no movement. He saw no one. Where the fuck is everybody? His eyes froze on a familiar room. It was the room Ana and Ghost first stayed in when they were brought here, but Ana wasn't there. I never saw a camera. Ghost frantically looked down at many buttons that sat in front of him. Upon messing with a few, he was able to playback footage from each room in unison. He had hoped he would see Ana alive. Don't rewind too much. The footage reversed, seeing nothing but an empty room was broken as figures began quickly moving in reverse on every monitor. Pressing a button to stop it, he tried to stop it before he saw what they had done to her, but it was no use. The button did nothing. Panicking, he pressed play and looked away as the screams of Ana filled his ears, and tears pricked at his waterline. He lost the fight of keeping his eyes away as he watched Ana get savagely assaulted and beaten to a bloody pulp. Through his crazed eyes, he watched a man climb off of Ana who laid unsettlingly still, no noise escaping her anymore, The bastard pulled his pants up zipping his zipper as the other walked towards her still body. Releasing her from her restraints they lifted her up by her arms and legs and carried her off the bed and out of the camera shot. He noticed in another monitor the events of the brutal act he just committed started shortly after their assault. He glanced at the other monitors when he saw Julio and his other men panicking and rushing around. Searching for Ana once more, he saw her being carried out to a car outside with Julio following close behind. Soon the movements on the monitors stopped, leaving the building empty. They couldn't have gotten far. Walking quickly through the building he finally found a door to the outside and walked out as he looked around. It was dark, either late at night or early in the morning, he couldn't tell which. He saw city lights in the distance but couldn't see any distinguishing buildings or signs.

It took Ghost a few hours to finally reach the outskirts of the city. Just before making his way into the city, he hid his weapon in a large bush and discarded his bloody clothes and gear, leaving him in just a dirty white T-Shirt and his cargo pants. Before making his way into the city, he hesitantly pulled his mask off, cringing at the discomfort of being exposed this way but his mask was a dead giveaway. Walking past buildings that started off as scattered, slowly growing closer together, filling the small city densely. As he walked, he spotted a small building that looked like a diner. Trying not to drag attention to himself, he leisurely made his way to the bar that sat in the corner with a woman tending to it. "Excuse me?" His voice was just above a whisper, "Do you have a phone I can borrow?" Nodding as she smiled politely, she handed him an older phone. Dialing one of two numbers he knew by heart, one being Ana's, he put the phone to his ear. "This is MacTavish." "Johnny, it's me." "Lt.! Where the fuck are you?" We've been searching for you and Ana!" Walking away from the woman, Ghost spoke quieter, "I don't know, can you track my location?" "Ya damn lucky we're at another base," he paused as Ghost heard clicking in the background, "Give me a second." There was another long pause, Ghost looked around at the faces around him, making sure no one noticed him. "Got your location, be there in an hour. Hang tight." "Hurry Johnny can't hide long. I'll be on the outside of this city to the west."

1 Hour Later

After hanging up the phone with Soap, Ghost made his way back to his things that he ditched before going into town and waited for the sound of a helicopter. Finally seeing lights in the sky and blades cutting through the air silently, Ghost waved them down as they flashed a small light at him. Upon landing Ghost hastily ran towards the helicopter and got in. Sitting next to Soap, he looked around and saw Price flying with Farah as copilot and Gaz, Valeria, Alejandro, and Rudy sat around the cabin, looking at him through furrowed brows. "What happened? Where's Ana?" Resting his head against the wall behind him, Ghost sighed frustratedly, "Julio Vargas captured and took us to a small compound that way," he pointed in the direction he came from, "Killed two of his men after they separated us, I don't know where they took her, but we need to find out fucking fast. They already stabbed and assaulted her." His voice turned stone cold as he recalled the scene of Ana helplessly laying under the disgusting filth of a man. "We've already got word on his main hideout." Price shouted over his shoulder. "We're heading there now." Ghost nodded as Soap put a hand on his shoulder, "Don't worry Lt., we'll get 'er back."

Tortured | Simon "Ghost" RileyWhere stories live. Discover now