10| The Scarab

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As they drove to Ivo Technologies they didn't say a word, and although Gemma had a lot of questions she was too nervous to ask them

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As they drove to Ivo Technologies they didn't say a word, and although Gemma had a lot of questions she was too nervous to ask them.

So sitting in complete silence felt like the best option.  No matter how awkward and uncomfortable it felt. Sure they might have gone to the same high school but the truth was that they were complete strangers.

"I'm sorry about the whole..." Jaime began breaking the silence but he didn't seem to know how to exactly finish his sentence.

"Kidnapping thing?" Gemma questioned feeling like there was no other way to put it.

He looked over at her for a second and laughed awkwardly, and Gemma was glad that she was the only one that felt a little uncomfortable. "It wasn't... well I guess it technically was kidnapping."

Again they were silent until they finally parked in front of the Ivo Tech building, and Gemma couldn't help but feel relieved. It felt suffocating being in a car alone with him and she could see that he felt the same.

They came to a stop when they saw that Brenda Del Vecchio sitting at the front desk. Gemma looked to Jaime and was confused by the shocked look on his face, like if he hadn't expected her there.

"Brenda?" Jaime said the moment he saw her, but he was tense and clearly nervous. Which was weird considering that Brenda was one of his best friends, or at least she had been.

"Jaime?" Brenda replied seeming just as shocked to see him but she stood up anyway walking to him and pulling him into a hug. The hug seemed awkward, like the type of hug you give someone after not seeing them for a long period of time. But the hug only lasted a moment before Brenda pulled away and looked to Gemma. "Ms. Ivo what are you doing here?"

"What are you doing here?" Gemma questioned instead surprised that anyone other than security was still at the building.

"I was just working on some paperwork that we're behind on." Brenda said slowly as she looked between Gemma and Jaime. There was no way to know what she was exactly thinking but Brenda clearly understood that they didn't want her there. "Should I go?"

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