Chapter Twenty-Two: The Journal

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A figure sat in his desk chair, looking down at the papers, books, and computer splayed out in front of him. He ran a finger around the rim of his coffee cup, eyes flicking between all the papers and files that cover his desk.

Behind him, the glass wall shone the dying sunlight into his office, spreading shadows throughout. Once it turned dark, the solar lights would kick on, but for now he had only the sun.

On the computer, two profiles were pulled up in front of several other tabs. Both profiles showed a picture of a kid with their name typed out next to it. Beneath the names was a slightly smaller print. Both of them said 'status' but that was the only similarity for that line.

One one profile, the one with the black blindfold, the status read a simple 'N/A'. The other one however read 'status: Alive'.

Meaning the other kid, Lucas, still had his comm still on, and the other kid had his off. It was sheer luck and an ungodsly amount of magic to even be able to have the files updated in real-time once more. It didn't matter for the blindfold kid, Sabre, the file reminded him, since the kid took his comm off and hasn't worn it since they managed to get their files back in the system. Once he does though, the file will update and show his status.

Good thing though was the fact the other kid hasn't taken his off yet, allowing more bars to appear underneath the status bar. Health and hunger, and any potion effects currently active. The good thing was that so far his health hasn't depleted much at all, and it seems as if the kid had a good source of food judging by how quickly the hunger bar is replenished.

As the Admin of the Server, he was lucky he ordered that the database of all the people living in his server to be backed up on a daily basis, or else he probably wouldn't have been able to track down and reinstall the two profiles. He knows some Admin's don't back their systems up for years!

He glanced down away from the computer screen, rubbing an eye with his hand while the other one reached from his cup of coffee.

His nose cringed at the cold liquid, but he still drank it. He was the Admin dang it! He had too much work to do to take a break and get hot coffee!

His eyes glanced down at the book in front of him, stolen from the Nightingale Server during the war. The book was closed at the moment, making room for a few maps that were rolled up, which seemed to exaggerate the amount of several pieces of paper sticking out from the book, each one bookmarking an important piece of info.

A knock on his office door had him jump. "Admin Castrel?" His secretary, Hensley, leaned his head in, which was surprising. Hensley usually leaves earlier than this, which is one of the reasons why he willingly drank ice cold coffee.

"I am leaving for the night. Is there anything you wish for before I leave?" Hensley fixed a few of his bangs, allowing the unnatural purple hue to peek through the golden hair for a few seconds before it was hidden once more.

Castrel nodded. "If it wouldn't be a bother, can you get me another cup of coffee?"

Hensley frowned. Castrel could feel the disappointment look he was receiving through the bangs. Even with Hensley being nearly half the age of most workers, he still could give some of the senior workers shame with his disappointed look. "This would be your ten cup sir."

"They go cold quickly, that's all. I rarely finish a cup before it goes cold."

Hensley gave him a small smile. "If you wish. Do not forget to take a break. I know the disappearance of those two has got you quite worried."

"I have my break alarm set Hensley."

Hensley didn't look like he believed him, which was fair. He is known to overwork himself. "If you say so sir. I will be back. Anything else?"

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