Helluva Boss: Murder Family

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We open the episode with Y/n calmly sleeping in bed. She had just finished doing Y/n things in bed while a figure slipped away from her and exiting the room. "Goodbye, my lovely.." She crackled out.

She heard the phone ring and picked up. "Hello?" Blitzø's voice began speaking. "Blah blah... Job... Blah blah blah... Meeting... Can you do that?" Y/n sat up and fixed her hair out of her face. "Sure.." She tiredly stretched her aching arms with a pop!

She looked over at the empty side of her bed and soon got up to get dressed.

Y/n soon shadowed over to where Blitzø was impatiently waiting with their new client. A female sinner was smoking a cigarette in the room. "Ah! Y/n. Glad you're here. This is Mrs. Mayberry. Our current client." Blitzø said.

Mrs. Mayberry looked at Y/n. "So, I've heard that you are the Music Demon? This I.M.P. has said that you're a very skilled demoness down here. I'm looking forward to how you will approach my problem." She said while going for a handshake.

Y/n just smiled. "Pleasure is all mine. Really." She kissed the back of her hand. Mrs Mayberry's eyes widened before she pulled her hand back, flustered. Y/n went to sit down on Blitzø's desk. "Tell us, who are we searching for in your personal life?" She took out a typewriter and put a piece of paper into it.

Mrs. Mayberry took a huff of her cigarette. "I was a good person, before it all went down... I was good my entire life." The satisfying sounds of a typewriter was clicking through the room. Blitzø didn't seem too interested in her tragic backstory at the moment.

She had explained that she was cheated on by a man of the name "Jarold" and a woman called "Martha", whom he cheated with. She had shot them out of pure shock and anger before ending herself because of what she had done in front of her class.

"You do everything right in life, play by all the rules... and still get sent down here with all the Hitlers and Epsteins of the world! After one measly massacre propelled by blind rage. So, that's why I'm here." Mrs. Mayberry's face was covered by the shadow until she stepped out.

"To get my revenge.."

Y/n was smiling through her whole story and Blitzø seemed like he was listening to a boring drama. "I mean, was she hotter?" Blitzø asked like a jerk. Mrs. Mayberry glares at Blitzo with an incredulous look on her face while Y/n gave him a look.

The Music Demon waved that off. "That doesn't matter. I'm afraid that you had done all the work up there, dear. That bag of semen and nut sucker should be burning down here with you." Mrs. Mayberry took out her cigarette in anger. "Not... all of them. That whore survived. Now, they all call her a hero."

In the overworld, everyone was praising Martha for surviving an attack from that crazy bitch. She managed to get the most perfect life from ruining someone else's. This enraged Mrs. Mayberry to a deep extent.

"Between the talk shows and the donation bullshit, she made so much goddamn cash... getting shot was the best thing to happen to her!"

Martha had gotten a reputation as a high class hero who was almost killed by a psychotic ex. She was given a huge check and everyone kept saying that she was a hero for the bare minimum and whoring around.

Mrs. Mayberry's purple fists create cracks on Blitzo's desk as she smashed down on it. "SHE IS NOT A HEROOOOOO!" She yelled in anger, leaning towards Blitzø's face.

Y/n calmed her down. "Easy there, darling. I'm sure that your revenge shall be taken upon action. She seems like an easy target. Just say the word and place that we're working with and this shall be a piece of pie." Mrs. Mayberry turned to Blitzø, glaring at him. "It better be."

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