Do It For Her (Short)

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Ig this is more of a filler chapter?? I've been working on this for awhile lol

!!!This is an Adam x reader chapter!!!!

Fuck you if you don't like Adam /j he's my absolute fav and hopefully nothing BAD will happen to him during the finale ahaha

+ music from Steven Universe!

Heaven, such an angelic, literally, place where all who died live their best afterlives. And the place where Adam was bitching to Lute.

"Yeah, so then she told me that the "Music Demon" was too busy being a damn bitch to this tv guy, and then I had to use some other chick for a good fuck. Can you believe that shit?" Lute's eye twitched. She could literally give no shit about that red bastard.

Oh, to have her mask on her right now to sleep..


"AND another thing! She thinks that she could waltz around like that bitch Charlie. Who does she think she is?" Adam pouts his lip out and crosses his arms like a toddler. "Stupid... demon..."

Lute was starting to get annoyed with the first man. "Listen, if anyone would want to hear your problems, it would be Sera. Go ahead and start whining to her." She soon leaves Adam alone.

Adam thinks for a moment, still whiny about the demon. "Ugh... fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine!" He makes his way over to Sera's quarters. "Like she would be of any help.."

We go back into Hell, the complete opposite of Heaven. It was unsanitary, unholy, and there were wither frowns or maniacal smiles on the demons' faces. Y/n leaves the hotel. This was the perfect time to get help.

Carmilla knows how to kill an angel, that should be enough to know that she can fight one. Y/n needed this. She can't hide away forever. Charlie and everyone else needs her, unfortunately.

Making her way to the Carmine residence, Y/n knocks on the door. She banged on the door and shouted. "Helloo?" Y/n feels the tension on her shoulders. "Carmilla? I need to speak with you!" She turns around. This was crazy, what if she won't help?


Adam gloomily flies over to where Sera was doing her own thing. "Hey, what up, boss woman! I'm really going to need something, bad." Sera looks up from what she was doing. "Adam? What do you need? I'm a bit busy at the moment.."

The first man leans back on the wall. "Look," His voice was dead serious. "I have a problem, and no, it's not about my dick, there's this..." He wasn't sure how to phrase what Y/n was to him. "...say girl, right? We can't exactly be together because she's a..."

Adam sweats under his mask and nervously smiled. "...demon?" Sera's eyes widen. She looks at him. "Adam, you know the rules. We don't associate with the hellspawn." "I know! But this girl means a lot and-" He falls back. "This is just concerning.. I want her to know what I can to for her.. I'd never beg anyone for this thing, so, please, Sera.."

She thinks about this. If this girl he admires is from Hell, she could be bad news, but he pleaded so bad that he took his mask off to show a begging look on his face. His eyes shined with tears and his mouth quivers his bottom lip.

"....Okay. I'll help you." "Fuck. Yes!" Adam cheers. Sera leads the angel towards a room. "As you know, angelic weapons are delicate." She spawns one from her hand, a stealthy spear. "They could easily kill demons with just a swipe, but if given contact to angels,"

Adam's eyes widen when she throws the spear towards an angel sculpture a few meters away. "Keep this a secret, Adam, but we have so much control over these that it can even kill an angel." Adam's face looks uninterested.

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