Helluva Boss: Spring Broken

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Note: longer chapter! I have no idea how Y/n will be able to leave the Pride Ring in future episodes since technically she is a sinner overlord so... ideas?

And this will be a little less Y/n so :/

In IMP City, Blitzø was loudly playing music in the van as he was driving and listening to very loud metal music.

"I love this song!" He began poorly singing along with the song "Mustang Dong" on the radio. "♫ You were a spicy little- uh- Demon with the- uh- bleach blonde haaaair! ♫" Next to him, Loona had a mildly annoyed face at this and Lune's eye twitched.

Behind the three, Moxxie covered his somehow non-existing ears in the back while Millie rolled down her window and smiled through the air blowing past her face. "♫ Fieeendin' for that semen when I caught your stare... ♫"

Blitzø drove them crazily into a parking lot as he continued singing. He was about to pull up to their normal space, but a pink car flashed by him, making him lose focus and startledly halt to a stop. "Oh, shit! Fu-!"

The boss slammed his foot onto the brakes and the van skids to an erupt stop. Blitzø turns off the radio and glares at the person in the pink car. He glanced at the license plate, which read "SUCKS-4-LIFE", making him annoyed at who it was.

"Oh, you "suck for life", do ya?!" He poked his head out of the window with a megaphone to scold whoever it was that made him upset. "Listen up, you unoriginal pink cum dump! You have three goddamn seconds to get your tits out of my parking spot!"

The passenger steps out of their seat with their heels touching the ground. Blitzø lowers the megaphone, shocked. "Oh, shit! Verosiko!" Verosiko, an attractive inccubi pop singer, made his debut with the bubble of pink gum before it pops.

"Blitzo." He emphasizes the o to piss him off. Blitzø gave him a look. "I should have known you'd be here. I could smell fish for miles, which is odd. Because, I believe the nearest ocean is..." He falls out of the van and faceplants onto the ground before standing up.

"...three Rings DOWN!" He continued his last statement. Verosiko scoffed. "And I should have known you'd be here when I heard the Amber Alerts." The inccubi held onto his flask.

Blitzø still had some words for him. "Oh, yeah? I'm surprised they let your fat ass outta rehab. I can see you're still a drunken whore, clutching onto that Beelzejuice bottle like it's the last pussy in Hell!" Verosiko flipped his short hair back, dramatically.

"They let me out because I'm still famous. And rehab is for sad, loser wash-ups." A familiar demoness slid out of the van. "So, your sister says "Hi"." Y/n looked extraordinarily different. She didn't wear her 1920-30s style outfit. Her hair looked a little more punk and messy and that outfit showed more than what she was usually wearing.

The boss dramatically gasped at the sight of her. "What have you done to her?!" Blitzø ran over to start slapping her face back and forth. "Don't let his slut-brainwashing get in your whore head!" He then glared at Verosiko. "Why are you parkin' here?! This is the ONLY parking spot my company has! So take your tampon race car somewhere else!"

Verosiko pulled Y/n away to his side. "Actually, prick. It has my name on it." Lowering his head to Blitzø's height, Verosiko pointed at his name that was spray painted over the I.M.P parking on the ground. "I'm doing a bit of freelance for one of the infinitely more successful companies in the building..."

From afar, Lune and Loona saw the popstar and Y/n's different look with shock. "No way..." Lune felt his tail wag at the sight of the Music Demon.

Verosiko continued talking. "...and they wanted to have me come in this week to lead their team during spring break. With this little lady by my side, of course." He growled into Y/n's ear, making her smirk and her ear twitch.

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