A Date with Lucifer (short)

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Y/n stared at her vanity. The makeup on her face was quite light, but didn't cover her features as much. She was completely fine with what she had on for a change. Her nylons were a dull (colour) so she didn't have to worry about showing off skin.

Her dress covered everything down past her knees. She puts on a blazer to match and cover her top part. Y/n fixed her hair so she could put it up nicely.

When she had a good look at herself, Y/n was impressed. Her hair perfectly complimented her face rather than her body, which she didn't even bat an eye at. She was completely covered and looked like a proper young woman.

Once satisfied with her looks, she began dialling Lucifer on her telephone by the bed. Beep... beep...

Her face turned bored. What was he doing?..

With Lucifer, he panicked. He was still running around the balcony of his home. He kept going back and forth between what should be where.

"No.. no! The flowers should be on the table next to the food! Angle the chairs facing towards each other, we need eye contact!" Lucifer kept shoving and putting things in random order. Razzle and Dazzle kept fussing with the candles before blowtorching them to light up.

"Is the food cooked right?" He pushed down on the piece of undercooked meat to see some red juices spurt out. He took a breath. "Phew!"

Lucifer kept speaking in tongues. "Wh-t-pt-bu-" He took a breath and smoothed his hair back. "This has to go perfect." He silently prayed before opening up the portal to where Y/n was. "Y/n! You look good." He smiled.

She came out of the portal to look at the very nicely done dinner set. It had candles, a pretty view of the city, and it was a little more quiet with soft classical music playing in the back. Lucifer nervously smiled at his presentation.

"I haven't seen anything this beautiful in a long time!" She smiled. "Well, I wanted a great first impression on you..." Lucifer awkwardly chuckled. "Minus that first meeting.. Please, have a seat." He quickly scampered over to pull her chair out for her.

Y/n took her seat after thanking him. "What a gentleman.. I don't understand why Lilith left you." She smiled. Lucifer tensed. Ah.. not exactly the kindest thing she said, but she really didn't know. "Yeah.. ahaha... that's a bit personal.." Lucifer cleared his throat to break the awkwardness.

"So, Y/n! Tell me, what do you do?" Y/n thought for a second. "Well, I certainly help Alastor with the broadcast. It's tough work to stay on top of others. I do spend time cooking, especially jambalaya. Oh! Our mother cooks the absolute best jambalaya we have ever had!" She kept blabbering on about random things.

Lucifer wasn't sure if he was picking up everything she kept spitting out. "Haha... nice..." He uttered. "Uhh.. How about our food?" He motioned to the plate in front of them. "I had to get our servants the best recipe for this lovely date." Lucifer gave a small smile.

Y/n picked at it with her fork. "It's very juicy. I did hope it was a bit undercooked to taste the redness." She sliced into the meat and took a bite. Lucifer admired her. Very ladylike, Y/n used her napkin to wipe her mouth.

"If I'm going to be honest, I didn't think that we would get together in such a short amount of time." He admitted. Y/n looked up at him. "I haven't went out with someone for awhile and this is pretty nice." The Music Demon swallowed before speaking.

"You haven't spoken to anyone for a long time. I feel that. I had to go into hiding with Alastor so we don't attract attention to ourselves." Y/n smiled. "If anything, that is a good connection we have."

This night was certainly something. Y/n looked out to Hell. "What have you been up to nowadays?" She asked him. Lucifer tugged at his collar. "Oh.. me? Heheh.. err... well, I'm just.." He summoned a little duck in his hand to show her. "This is a little embarrassing.. but after I fell into depression, I make ducks."

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