Hazbin Hotel: Episode 7 "Hello Rosie!"

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Everyone gathers around in the lobby. Vaggie's secret had been revealed: She was an exterminator. Y/n seemed quite interested, albeit her dislike for Vaggie was clear. An Angel had been living amongst them right under their noses.

Nifft turns to Vaggie, who was also waiting for Charlie's return. "So, like, where are your wings?" She rolls her eyes. "Nifft, I don't have..." Angel cuts her off. "Did you ever think maybe
she's sensitive about her lack of wings, just like her lack of tits?" He smugly smirks. Nifft pulls her shirt back to look at her chest.

"Yeah. Where are your tits?" She grabs him away. "Any other questions?" Husk popped one out. "I got one. How come every time Charlie and Y/n talk to Heaven we get in deeper and deeper shit?" Y/n keeps quiet. "..sss.." She seethes at herself.

Vaggie backed her up. "It's not her fault. Angels are just..." "Liars?" Angel Dust sarcastically says. "Hot?" Y/n smiled. "...difficult." Vaggie groaned. "But Charlie's trying her best." Husk holds up his bottle of booze. "Yeah, well, her best is turning out real well so far." He bites.

Angel looks around. And where is miss fearless leader anyway? Isn't it about time for another "doomed-to-fail" plan?" Sir Pentious pets Keekee on his lap in admiration for the small thing. "She's upstairs. Coming up with something, I'm sure, in our room." Y/n and Alastor look at each other. "..Alone." Wtf Vaggie so damn depressing.

"Hmm." Alastor mumbled and motioned for Y/n to follow him. They turn into their shadow forms to go upstairs. In her room, Charlie was sobbing under the covers. Razzle and Dazzle we're keeping her company with tissues for her tears. Once the siblings make their appearance, the goats fly away. "Oh, Charlie, you look an absolute mess."

Charlie glared at them. "Ugh, go away, you guys." Y/n elbows his gut. "Now, now, is that any way to act after picking a fight with all of Heaven and dooming everyone you love?" "Alastor!" He turns to her. She takes a long breath. "Let me handle this."

Alastor says nothing and leaves the room. Y/n looks down at Charlie while fiddling her thumbs. She pats her body in an attempt to comfort her. "Charlie, everyone's waiting for you. They think you're planning something out. Please, come downstairs."

"Ugh, I can't." She gets up from her bed. "How can I face them after failing them all so hard? They came here to be saved and all I gave them was more pain. I'm just as bad as the cruelest Overlord in Hell." Y/n looks away and back at her. "And maybe worse. At least they don't go around giving false hope."

"False hope?" Y/n started smiling. "You said that you wanted to redeem demons, is that not what the hotel is about?" Charlie holds herself. "Well.." "As a matter of fact, darling, leaders begin with power. One tool I've learned from my family is that of a smile." She makes Charlie's cheeks go up.

Alastor agrees. "She's right." His fingers tap her shoulders. "Just because you see a smile, don't think you know what's going on underneath." He brings her face into his hand. "A smile is a valuable tool, my dear." And forces Charlie's face into a smile.

"It inspires your friends, keeps your enemies guessing, and ensures that no matter what comes your way, you're the one in control." Y/n points her microphone at her.

Charlie pushed it down. "But I'm not. I'm the farthest thing from in control. The person I trust most has been lying to me for years." The two watch her freak out. "Heaven refuses to listen. Even if they did, I can't prove the hotel works. Adam has an invincible exorcist army pointed right at my doorstep and there's nothing I can do about any of it." She solemnly rests her head on the window.

Y/n shrugs. "Happens to the best of us." That's when Alastor smiles harder. "We know something you don't know~" He says in a sing-song voice. "Huh?" Y/n goes closer to her face. "Those big, scary angels are not quite as indestructible as they seem."

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