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Monday morning, all the leaders of each club of the new unit received an email from the higher-ups. They were gathered inside the meeting room. They waited until the higher-ups and the leaders of the old unit came.

"Sorry for a sudden disturbance. But it is a must to have an emergency meeting right at this moment" said Mr. Lee, the Head of the League.

"We received a piece of information from the Information Head office that there have been some attempts of infiltration on our system. Thus, this concern is directly towards the system of the new units." He added.

The new unit leaders were all ears on the news. They sighed as they knew about the attempts.

"So you all as the leaders of your own clubs, should strengthen the security of your information and system. It was not really a major thing to deal since we have established a high-end information protector, but, this is to remind you to not be so careless of guiding your innermost information."

Taeyong raised his hand and Mr. Lee gave him the chance to speak.

"On behalf of the NEOS, this might be not a major deal but if not for the piece of information you gave us Mr. Lee, we could have been hacked. In regards with this matter, I will impose a private meeting to all NEOS security checker, hacker and information officers to address the matter. " – Taeyong

"Yes, please do, Anymore concerns?" – Mr. Lee.

Someone raises their hand from a far.

It was Karina.

"Excuse me Mr. Lee, can I have the permission to ask?" – Karina

Mr. Lee nods.

"I would like to know if the information have the variables of where and what kind of attempt has been made by the enemies on our system? This is for the units to know where and how they can address the problem" – Karina.

"We will be sending the coordinates and the detailed information on each clubs databases. So please, check it right away after this meeting." – Leeteuk

"Okay! Now that everything is settled and clear, the leaders meeting is adjourned." Mr. Lee.

After the last statement, all the leaders of new unit went back to their respective clubs.

Still puzzled and thinking of ways to carry out and address the problem.

And just like that, the headquarters was filled with computer taps.



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