CHAPTER 8 - The Red Velvet - ReveLuv Club

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THE REVELUV – is a club composed of five (5) female agents and they are also in the mid unit. They are known for their 'summer vibe' and 'psycho vibe' in the league. Their identity as witches was covered up by the headquarters due to heightened witch hunters. They can both be bright and mysterious on some occasions. Their distinct skills and intellect made them one of the most remarkable groups of agents in the league. Despite this, they can be playful and chaotic at times.

The members:

Irene Bae / Code Name: Melonia

- The leader of the club.

- An urban witch that has the ability to hypnotize and control minds.

- She owns a lot of stuffed dolls and uses them for some of their missions.

- She can be cold at times but is very reliable.

-          She can be cold at times but is very reliable

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Seulgi Kang / Code Name: Pine

- A rural witch that is precise in her slashes using pineapple thorns.

- She is also known as the 'slasher'

- She likes to customize things using her old black ink pen but she uses it as a weapon as well.

- Has a sharp eye.

Wendy Song / Code Name: Ora

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Wendy Song / Code Name: Ora

- An urban witch that can sing high notes as a weapon.

- The higher her notes, the more it reach distant enemies with its intensity.

- She likes to sing and is good at controlling her voice to minimize damages.

- She can also hypnotize enemies or allies with her soft voice.

- The talkative in the club.'

Joy Park / Code Name: Pike

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Joy Park / Code Name: Pike

- An urban witch that has the ability to seduce or lure enemies.

- She also known as 'Lilith' because she possesses demon energy.

- She knew a plethora of demonic chants to attract her objectives.

- She owns two dogs that work with her namely, Asmodeus and Perkele.

- Despite her demonic ability, she likes to bring joy to people, especially her allies.

-          Despite her demonic ability, she likes to bring joy to people, especially her allies

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Yeri Kim / Code Name: Stafylia

- A rural witch that can shoot rainbow lasers and make random deadly weapons.

- She likes to read books and study potions.

- She is the youngest in the club.

- Friendly, approachable, and easygoing.

- She spends more time with bookish agents at the headquarters library.

-          She spends more time with bookish agents at the headquarters library

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23 ⏰

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