Introducing me

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'Tick-tock, tick-tock'. The clock was moving slower than my great grandparents' turtle. I'm sitted in St. Teresa High School in Florida in one of the most boring lessons, trigonometry, one of the world's most tedious subjects. With all honesty why would I want to learn about sine, cosine and tangent? I mean how would it help me in the future, I wasn't going to use it to measure the angle between my heels or anything. Seriously I see no use of it all so why our teacher is even bothering to teach us this topic.

Mr. Samuel, better known as Mr. Smelly is the school's oldest teacher, as well as the crankiest. People say he smells worse than stale fish mixed in the cafeteria's sloppy Joes. Trust me when I say this, never sit in the front when he is teaching unless you want to end up smelling as fresh as a skunk. Not even tomato juice will remove that odour. He once passed by me in the school halls and I almost puked, either that or I was about to pass out.

"Hey Kim do you understand anything he is blabbering about?" asked my best friend Ashley in a hushed tone to avoid being caught by Mr. Smelly.

"Why in the world would I actually pay attention to what he is teaching Ash?" I whispered back.

I didn't tell you about Ashley, did I? Well, Ashley has been my best friend since junior year and since then we have been ruling high school. Although I didn't need her by my side because I was too independent, it felt good to have someone to lean on.

You must be wondering why would she need a friend to lean on yet she claims to be independent. Truth is I don't like relying on others but everyone needs at least one person who they can trust and since I have no family, I decided to let Ash be that person.

My mum died of a tumor two years back and since then my dad and I keep drifting apart. I was completely devastated after that incident and so was dad. He had been so broken that he focused on his business to distract his mind. In that process we drifted apart bit by bit. He would leave the house early in the morning at time to avoid seeing me as I would remind him of mum. My mum and I had had the same wavy chestnut brown hair and crystal blue eyes until I decided to bleach my hair to become a blond. People said that I had only inherited the same facial structure as my dad, the rest I got from my mum. Anyways back to where we were, he came home late at night as he usually had meetings or cocktail parties hence I rarely saw him. We had few dinners together and he called me a few time to ask about my whereabouts but that's all.

"By the way Kim have you heard that Brant and Chloe called it quits yesterday, apparently they were both caught cheating on each other," Ash informed me.

"I care least about them right now but that would have been a sight worth seeing, both of them were desperate so I don't blame them," I told Ash.

"Ms. Martin this is my class and I don't tolerate kids with paparazzi dreams so keep quiet!" Mr. Samuel ordered me as if I was going to listen to him.

Soon all eyes turned and were glued to me. I wasn't going to let him get let him get away with that so I retaliated.

"In that case I wonder how your wife deals with you because you're the only one here that causes people to run away" I said straight to his wrinkled covered face, "actually it's your odor Mr. Smelly, I mean Mr. Samuel."

Everyone in class started snickering and mumbling until Mr. Samuel spoke, "Kimberly Martin get out of my class right now and head straight to the principal's office!"

"Whatever, it wasn't like I was even enjoying your lesson," I said with attitude filled in every word that came out of my mouth for the boring old teacher who was bound to die in a few years to come.

With that said, I was proudly walking out of the classroom before saying my final adieu. "Bye Mr. Smelly!" I said in a fake cheery voice before giggling to myself.

Out of class to my locker I was heading, while enjoying the silence, I noticed that I had saved myself from an hour of trigonometry. I don't have anything against studies I actually like learning new things especially in biology.

As I was lost in my thoughts, I turned around a corner and ended up bumping into someone. As a result I dropped my books and due to it being summer I wasn't wearing suitable clothes to bend and pick my books. If you must know I was wearing a tight black leather shirt that barely covered my butt and a tank top hence causing my inability to bend.

"What the heck, are you freaking blind!" I yelled at whoever I crashed into.

"Stop tearing your tonsils apart and watch where you go!" a husky voice said to me.


this is my first time writing so support me if u like it...feel free to tell me wht u think about my book... comment

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