cliche much

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Walking up to the aged man with humbleness I say in a sweet polite tone, "Hi sir, would you like to sit with your lovely wife over there."

He looks at me with a glimmer in his eyes and a glow on his face.

"You can take my seat while I occupy yours, wouldn't want two love birds to be separated, would we?"

"Thank you so much sweetie!" he says as he lightly patted my shoulder and made his way happily to his other half.

Before he sat down, he and his wife gave such a love-filled smile that I felt proud of doing that deed.

I think my neighboring window seat is unoccupied so I move to sit on it as I relax while listening to my music on my iPod. I feel a poke on my shoulder but ignored it, the next poke and then another. I'm about to kick box this person if they don't stop.

Thank god that annoying person stopped however my relief was short lived. Another hard poke is felt on my cheek bone. God bless this person...I wake up in such a foul mood that I'm ready to lash out at anyone who agitated me. I grit my teeth as I open my eyes adjusting it to the daylight coming from the windowpane due to crack of dawn. I see the infamous bad boy in front of me.

"What do you want and why are you drilling holes through me with your screwdriver fingers?" I shrieked at him almost waking up the other snoring passengers.

"Well let's see, your annoying butt is on my seat, you're snoring louder than a deaf elephant and this isn't where you're supposed to be!"

"Well it is now, if you didn't see Mr. Blind bat the man near you is sitting near his lady love on my seat so kindly keep your damn hands to yourself or do you need them chopped off?"

"Sit on his seat then not on mine!"

"Gosh, calm your testes, seats don't make a difference to your butt, sit there!" I say as I refer to the next seat.

"I don't know why you are dying to sit next to me, I think you're denying your interest in me," he utters slyly as he winks at me as he sits down on the seat.

I look at him with the most unbelievable face and state, "in dreams boy."

"Whatever," he says before he starts to play music on the small screen in front of him.

I look out of the window and think about how all this seems cliché. The fact that I ran away from home, got delayed then miraculously the man I exchanged seats had the one near the guy I despised. The only thing omitted is a dreadful event, let's stay optimistic and hope that doesn't occur.


I awake from my peaceful slumber up due the rapid quivering of my seat, I was about to blare out my ear-piercing vocal speaker at whoever it was but I don't because of the shocked look I encounter.

"What is happening?" I say panicking in my skin.

"I don't know, this seems like a really bad turbulence never come across such before, you scared?"

"Me... scared, not such scares me," I try to utter without exposing my petrified stuttering voice.

"Really sweetheart, your voice is indicating something else,"

Seriously as if his presence was not appalling enough he decides to give me these annoying names.

"First of all don't label me sweetheart that is too mushy go along the lines of Kim, secondly if you haven't realized that the turbulence has not died."

"This turbulence sure is strange, should have died by now."

"We should have reached by now, check the map will you?"

"I'm I losing my sight or did we board the wrong plane because we are incredibly off route,"

Horrifying panic arose I'm me as I notice one horrid thing "I may suck at geography but it seems like we are headed towards.............

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