We meet again, sadly.

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I get changed into some comfy but cute clothes, I put on a laced rutched halter top and some low-waisted cargos. I walk out the door and figure out which way we went the last time we came, I hope for the best and start making my way.

After a couple of minutes, I see the same crowd that I first experienced. I swiftly make my way down and try and spot Maria. I squeeze past people's naked bodies and try to make my way to the cars, assuming that's where Maria would be. After scanning through the people, I see her. There was a little barrier holding the public back. I jump over the fence and make my way to Maria, the people looking at me as I walk.

Maria has her back to me, I place my hand on her shoulder and she immediately turns around scared.

"Oh my god! You scared me!" Maria says slightly startled but she is laughing along.

"Haha sorry, well I made it," I proclaim. There was a girl in front of Maria who I think she was talking to. I give the girl a short smile.

"You must be Camila right?" The girl asks politely, "Oh yeah! Nice to meet you," I greet.

"How does it feel to have a ma-" I give her the signal to not say out loud that my father was a mafia leader. She giggles and mouths okay. Maria looks confused. We all laugh.

"Hey, you ready beautiful?" Bill comes along and grips his hand around Maria's waist.

"Ready as ever," Maria flirts, Bill looks at me.

"Oh, I see you got my invitation!" Bill exclaimed in delight.

"Yeah well, I was quite fascinated by your car so I couldn't say no." I smile softly. Bill chuckles a little.

The race was about to start, but before we started...nightmare came along.

"Well well well, nice to see you again." Tom slowly says with a smirk on his face, I roll my eyes and turn around.

"Hm, I don't think I came here to see you, so if you will excuse me." I put a sarcastic smile on.

Tom growled. "Still a ball full of fire." Tom chuckles, whilst licking his midnight lip piercing.

I scoff and walk away, Tom still staring at me. I place myself into the backseat of Bill's car. This is actually really cool, I thought to myself.

"You're not going to win, brother," Tom shouts out his window.

"Well, at least I have company, 2 ladies, oh and where's yours?" Bill chuckles loudly. Tom rolls his eyes.

"I will still win even if you have bitches or not," Tom screeches, Bill flips him the finger and smirks.

Maria gives me one last cheerful glance until the man comes along in front, and says his part. (on your marks, get set, go).

All the cars zoom off, I grasp onto the seat with 1 hand, it looks like Maria is having the time of her life but she looks fine and still. I am actually enjoying this, I haven't really been in race cars often, except from my dad's but I've only been in there about once. Bill takes a swerve and Tom ties up with him immediately. Bill slams the pedal but Tom still roars ahead of us, we get to the finish line and it seems Tom has won. Bill groans angrily, Maria comforts him.

We all hop out of the car and Bill storms his way to Tom, who's just lying against his car with his arms crossed.

"Once again, I told you," Tom teases, Bill looks quite mad. Bill was about to charge but Maria helped him calm down and he immediately did so.

"Enjoy the ride?" Tom asks, I cross my arms.

"No, not really," I said sarcastically, I did enjoy it.

"You wanna take a spin in my vehicle?" Tom smirks.

"Uh, no. I'll be going back now." I said.

"You are not going anywhere," Tom forces.

"Yes I am, I'm going home," I answer, demanding.

Tom grabs my wrist and he pulls me towards him. I try to wriggle out of his clasp but I fail, he walks to his car, dragging me with him. I wince because he tightens my wrist more.

"Get the fuck off me!" I scream and slap him in the face. Tom's face grew angry. I start running as fast as I can over to Maria. — I explained to Maria what happened and she looked worried for me. I see Tom madly walking over here. I stay in my place, I'm not going to let this guy win over me.

"What you gonna do hit me!" I scream in his face.

"You fucking bitch!" Tom roars. Bill quickly stops in between us, Maria guards me by my side.

"Tom calm the fuck down!" Bill states loudly. I give Tom a dirty look,

"Camila, go home now," Bill demands. I give one last glance at Maria.

"Are you coming with me?" I whisper. Maria looks a bit sorry.

"I can't, just please go home Camila," Maria murmurs softly. Why can't she come home with me? She better not be sleeping at Bill's from now on.

I sigh and nod my head lightly, I walk off leaving Maria with Bill and Tom, I can't believe that just happened. I genuinely hate that Tom guy, I'm always going to stand up to him whether I get killed or not. I just can't stand random strangers touching me, it gives me the heebie-jeebies and eventually causes me to strike. I carry on walking home, tired and worn out.


Just a little comment, sorry this is a bit short and I haven't posted in a little bit!^^

The next chapter will be longer and I hope you guys are enjoying it so far!

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