The Bathroom.

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I wake up feeling absolutely crushed, my heart is poured out and my bones are weak, my face feels burnt, I honestly don't know what happened last night. I'm in the cosy bed, the pillow making use of my throbbing head. Everything is a blur. I look down at my sore body, I try my best to sit up, it took a while but I made it. I check the clock and it's around 1 pm. Midday. I slept quite a while, I am very very hungover.

I stand up and wobble to the bathroom, looking down the stairs as I pass, I go ahead into the bathroom and look straight in the mirror, I've got dark circles around my eyes and my hair in a mess, I've got scratches and bandages everywhere on my body.

I am starving, I go downstairs slowly, to pick myself up a little. "Hello?" It echoes, either my hearing has gone weird or everyone is sleeping.

"Oh my god!" I hear quick and peaceful steps running down the stairs, I look behind me as my hair swishes back. It's Maria. She comes and runs up and gives me a squeezable hug.

"Are you okay? Are you feeling alright?" Maria questions, examining my body.

"Yeah? What about you?" I say a bit low-toned. "Hungover as fuck but I'm more worried about you!"

"Um, why are you worried for me?" I ask, Maria sarcastically crosses her arms. "You are way more hungover than me, come on, get some food and a drink and I'll tell you what happened since you don't remember." My eyebrows furrow in confusion but I laugh it off, we go get some drinks and some food. We go and sit on the couch.

"Nobodys here except us by the way, they should be gone for about an hour or two, anyways." I take a sip of my drink, and Maria starts telling me.

(Might be a long paragraph or not but whatever).

"Right, me and you obviously got drunk and a bit too drunk. Everyone left after a couple of hours and you and Tom were the last out of the club, I was still drunk but eventually sobered up since Bill helped me. Um and then Tom came out carrying you in his arms but then you suddenly blacked out and Tom got a little worried so he rushed and put you inside the car, I don't know what happened but there was a little cleaned-up blood and bandages all around you. I saw you and since I was halfway sober, I just stared at you wondering what was going on. Okay, then we all went home and the girls helped you get changed and stuff and went straight to bed, Tom somehow was severely worrying, I'm still wondering why you passed out. So everyone went to bed, Tom stayed with you a little bit and I peeked through the door since it was open and Tom was like saying a little speech about how he was sorry and he's a stupid human being. I got confused and headed out and went to bed. Like an hour later you woke up screaming, me and Bill woke up startled, I told him to come along with me but to be quiet because I don't want you thinking we were some monsters because, yeah. Okay and then we were about to walk in until I saw Tom cuddling up with you and stroking your head, you immediately went back to sleep on his shoulder, you snuggled up together and both went to sleep in each other's arms, blah blah we went back to bed and that's about it."

A tiny tear comes down from my eye since I just remembered what had really happened, I wipe it away, it was cute of him but I've never seen that side of him, I'm surprised I let him calm me down. I thought he would be a scary unsettling monster, well he is but that's not the point. I didn't want to tell anybody what had happened, it kept between me, Tom and whoever that other scandalous girl was.

"Oh...that's nice, thanks for keeping me up with the details." I chuckle, I end up finishing my food and drink but we chat for a little more. I put my dishes away. "But Camila, since I told you what happened, do you know why you had blood and bandages all on you?" My mind and heart sank, I remember everything that happened. I don't know what just happened I just paused. Suddenly, people came through the door, the first person was...Tom.

I stare at him with tearful eyes and get a little worried, looking at him just made me have a sick feeling towards everything. Tom and everyone look at me as I rush up the stairs, into the room and grab the pills I had put in my bag. I go into the bathroom and lock the door. My eyes cry themselves out as I put my head in my hands, I just wanted this to be over. I wanted all this pain to leave my body. I never wanted my life to end like this. I just want to go home, to my father where everything made sense. I haven't spoken to him in ages, he's probably worried about me.

I open the pill bottle and shake it around, I hear a sudden knock on the door. "Camila?"

I panic and just shove all the pills in my mouth, I've gone and done it now. I sit down on the toilet seat and wait for the effect to come in. After a couple of minutes, it does kick in, everything is blurry and is shaking around. I can't even see my hands. The room feels as if it spinning, suddenly, I try and stand up but I immediately stumbled to the floor and hit my head on the rim of the bathtub. Everything goes dark and I can't hear anymore.
Toms pov

We all come home after a little work event. I'm the first through the door and I immediately lock eyes with Camila, her eyes look worried and scared, like she's about to cry, I look at Maria and she shrugs her shoulders at me. Everyone then comes in and wonders what's happening. Camila rushes upstairs.

"What's up with her?" I ask Maria, "I don't know I just asked her a serious question and she acts up like this?" I sigh and head upstairs to see what's wrong, it turns out she's in the bathroom but the door is locked. I hear faint cries.

"Camila?" I knock on the door and try and open it. I hear a rattle as if it's a bottle with something in there. I get aggressive with the doorknob, but I don't get an answerback. A couple of seconds later, I hear a clamorous thrash, then complete dead silence.

"Camila? Camila!" I shout and pound the door. Nothing. I end up breaking the door, I take a moment in confusion on how I did that. Anyways, I barge in and see Camila on the floor, I see a bottle of pills just standing there on the side of the counter, Camila on the floor with her head bleeding. I roll her over and she's not responding to me. I try and pick her up slowly, I get some toilet paper and put pressure on her bleeding head.

I have a damaged body in my arms, I rush down the stairs, trying not to drop her. I feel like a horrible man, putting her through all of this. I feel terrible

"She needs to go to the hospital, NOW," I demand loudly. Maria puts her hand over her mouth and everyone looks scared. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING JUST STANDING THERE? WE NEED TO LEAVE." We all rush out the door. I feel so guilty, I made her like this. I've turned a pretty, nice but feisty girl into some girl who is scared and alone. Fucking hell, what have I done?
Here is the next chapterrrrr, I'll try my best to post again tomorrow! I also have quite a busy weekend so I'll be offline for then. I feel like I have no ideas for upcoming chapters, I do have a few along the way so I'll keep those but any other ideas for the ones AFTER. I'll figure it out. Thanks for nearly 6K reads already!

I've also edited the chapter before this a little. Probably won't notice. Anyway, have a nice day/night!

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