Memorable Night

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We get to the restaurant and gosh, it is really fancy. The theme is gold and black, it looks really beautiful here. It's like a palace. Me and Tom walk inside, a waiter brings us to a special room for famous people, Tom knows everyone at this point.

We sit down, I'm shocked he even took me to a place like this. I gaze around the area, looking at the chandeliers and all the artistic, unique frames on the deep walls.

"This place is so pretty!" I blurt. Tom chuckles. After chatting for a while, a manly waiter comes along to take our order.

"Hello Sir Kaulitz, what can I get started for you today?" The waiter greets us politely.

"The usual thank you," Tom says. "Alright, and for you ma'am?" The waiter turns to me.

"If I could just get the chicken salad thank you," I smile. He writes it down on his little paper. "Okay it should be out for you shortly," The waiter leaves swiftly.

"Oh, the usual" I mock Tom's comment. I giggle after, Tom laughs along. "Oh shush, me and the boys come here for a night out,"

"That's cute," I raise my eyebrows. Tom smiles at me whilst staring sweetly into my eyes.

"You look so beautiful tonight, it's making me crazy," Tom compliments. I feel the rosy blush take over me. "And you look very handsome tonight," I say, as I stare up and down his face.

Me and him chat and giggle as our food comes out, it looks delicious. My salad gets planted in front of me. I wonder what Tom got?

"What did you get?" I ask, looking over his food. "It's a salad with dumplings, it tastes really good," It does look yummy from here. But I'll enjoy my chicken salad. I take a bite of it, and my mouth waters as the chicken is just rightly cooked and has the perfect amount of sauce. The salad greens are seasoned flawlessly. I need this every day of my life.

"So, Camila, tell me something interesting about you. We've known each other for ages but I would like to know," Tom starts. I swallow my food and start thinking. "Well- I can play the electric guitar? Is that interesting?" I couldn't think of anything to say.

"No way, me too!" Tom says confidently, it's good that we have something in common, well we already have a lot of things.

We catch up together a little bit, it's been a really good night and I have enjoyed it. It took things off my mind and it helped me calm down a little bit and removed all the negative effects of my life.

We finish and pack up. Before we leave, Tom does a little heads up to the front man. Then we leave. Tom holds me around the waist with one hand as we walk to the car. He opens my side of the door for me, what a gentleman.

He gets in the other side. We start driving but I can't resist but to just look at him for a couple of seconds. I kept my eyes on the road again. Tom gently puts his hand on my thigh, his touch feels irresistible.

We manage to get back, us laughing as we barge through the door. I turn to my left to see the living room couch and see Maria and Bill sitting together, getting cosy and watching movies.

"Oh hey guys! Good time?" Bill shouts across the room. "Yeaahhh," I reply. I twist around to Tom, I can't fight the urge to kiss him right there. He kisses me back and chuckles and he puts his arm around me. We go upstairs.

We get to his room and I splat on his bed. Worn out but still some energy with me. My heels slip off, making a clashing noise as it hits the floor. I need to get changed out of this dress now.

"I'm going to get changed. I grab some silky pyjamas and face the corner, Tom still in the room. I get changed super quickly.

"You don't have to turn around, it's not like I haven't seen everything," Tom comments as he chuckles. I smile to myself. "I prefer my way," I finish getting changed and jump right into bed, digging myself into his warm covers and sinking into his cold pillow. I immediately fall asleep.
Toms pov

After my lady got changed, she jumped right into bed and sank so quickly I could barely see her. Was she asleep already? I take a glance and she is. She looks so beautiful in every way. I regret everything I've done to her. I want to make her mine. I go over to her delicate body and give her a peck on her forehead. She moves slightly as I get in bed with her. I cuddle her softly and slowly, her warm body against mine. I love this girl so much. My first actual love.
There it is! About 2-3 chapters to go! It's sad seeing this story ending and how much support I've been getting on it. I really appreciate all your comments and love! I am making another book like this so stay tuned! Love you all and thank you for being here <3<3 (I also wasn't sure on what to title this chapter but hopefully the title now works)

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