Devil Eyes

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I ran faster than I did before, I needed to get out of there, there was no way I was going back. I jog out of breath along the path, having no clue where I am once again.

The feeling of the cars swishing past me and the sound of the plain air dancing along with the trees. I walk and once I catch my breath I run.

After a little bit, I recognised the place I am in right now. Have I really gone that far? I get more intrigued and look left and right. wait. This is where my apartment is!

I jog a little bit until I turn the corner, I am so relieved, I pant and run for the last time inside, I'm hoping it's not locked. I go up to the door and put my hand around the door handle, it's open.

I walk inside, gazing around the place, it's still the same as it was. I close the door gently behind me and walk across the floor. I rush to the bedroom, still the same. It feels like forever since I've been here, but in reality, it's only been a couple of days and my life has already been a nightmare.

I brush my fingertips along the bed. And sit me down. Ugh, I've missed my bed.

I really hope he doesn't find me, I've ran too far. He knows where I live though I just realised, I've got to protect myself. I swiftly head to the kitchen to try to find a key, but nothing. My room, nothing. I rub my head to try and remember where that key is. I try the living room, I scatter everything across the room. I see something shiny on the floor. Yes! It's the key, I walk at a fast pace to the door and lock it immediately. I put a chair in front of it for safety.

I go back to the bedroom and sort everything out, I barely have any clothing, since they took it all. I look at Maria's side of the room, I miss her. I miss the original Maria. Not the one who is in a gang now and could potentially turn into a slut.
Time skip
I am so bored, there's nothing to do here anymore. I now hate living alone. I sit down on the couch and watch some TV. I rest my head in my hand, nearly falling asleep. I am met with a loud clash. I get scared and sprint to my bedroom. Placing my back on it with all force. What if it's him? What if it's just a robber?

Suddenly, a loud bang of a fist is pounded on my door, they try to open it.

"Camila, open this fucking door now." A voice shouts, shit.

"No! Fuck off!" I answer back loudly but scared.

"Don't make me smash this door down,"

I run in front and embrace myself for whatever hell is about to go on right now.

The door smashes open. It's him.

"You think you could run away from me? Once again?" Tom said, ready to come at me at any moment.

"Leave me the fuck alone! I ran for a reason dipshit!" I scream at him.

"Stupid bitch," Tom mumbles loudly and walks towards me. A thump in every step he took.

I move back as he pushes me against the wall and gets in my face.

We lock eye contact for a moment, his devil eyes watching me close up.

"You need to fucking learn, and this won't let you go anywhere," Tom smirks and takes out this needle filled with a small ounce of liquid. I look at it. I try to get away but Tom blocks me off. I'm stuck.

Tom pushes me to the floor, causing me to hit my back sharply on the corner of the dresser. I wince and collapse on the floor in pain. Tom crouched down to me, I looked him in the eyes for another time in pain. He takes the needle and pushes my hair back out the way of my neck. I have no energy to fight back. He sticks the needle into my neck, I make a small noise as he whispers.

"There, there," My neck starts to throb and I start to get sleepy.

Everything goes black.
I have so much homework so I made this quickly! I promise you the next chapter will be longer!

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