Eerie Places

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I woke up in a dark, eerie place. There was some light so I could see the room. I sit up and it seems like concrete, was I trapped in a basement? I started to panic and went to the gate that led up some stairs to some house, it could be anyone's house really, maybe it was Tom's house I just didn't realise the area. Why would he put me down here?

All I remember was hitting my back on the dresser before he put a needle in me. I'm pretty sure I got a mark from that.

"Hello? Fucking let me out!" I screamed out the gate, but nobody was there yet until I heard some footsteps. I stood back a little to see who it was. Ugh.

"I see your awake," Tom said. I give him a bad look.

"Why would you lock me in here?" I ask worriedly.

"To prevent you from escaping again." Tom comments. "Please just let me out for fuck sake," I don't like enclosed spaces like this, just plain walls and a gate to keep me trapped.

"Hmmm, no," Tom teases. He opens the gate to let himself in.

"No don't come in here," I snarl.

Tom shuts the gate behind him as I take a few steps back.

"You need to learn Camila, I will find you every time you try and run, do you understand?" Tom orders. I don't say anything back to him, the room is just filled with silence.

"Do you understand," Tom demands a little louder.

"Yeah yeah, whatever," I say with attitude.

"Drop the attitude," Tom declared.

"What you want me to fucking go like, oh yes my love Tom I will understand you always," I say sarcastically, Tom chuckles a little bit.

"Just let me out," I request. Tom sighs and leaves the room, I chase after him.

"What? Tom fucking let me out!" I shout. "You bitch! Let me out of here," I lower my voice a little as he walks up, leaving me in this dark room, all alone. I hope he will let me out, I will get out and I'll find a way. I sit down in the corner, not knowing what to do anymore. My life is ruined. Trapped here with an abuser and a rapist. Wonderful.

I sigh and lay my head in my arms.
After crying and being bored. I hear another pair of footsteps come close. I look up at who it is, not even bothered to move. It's Bill.

"Bill?" I say confused.

"Hey...Camila," Bill slowly talks.

"What do you want?" I question.

"Just came here to tell you that your gonna have to take a shower, and Maria gave you some clothes after since we're going out," Bill states calmly.

"Where are we going?" I ask, Bill slicks his hair back.

"To a club, just to meet with other gangs," Bill replies. A club? Does this mean I have to wear slutty clothing with high heels?

"Fine," I stand up and take Bill's lead. He opens the gate, we walk up the stairs. Finally, I'm out. I don't actually know how long I was in there for, but glad I'm out now.

Bill takes me to the bathroom. He gave me a towel and the clothes, they were black low-waisted flares with cutouts on the side, and a quite small crop top. Great.

I smile at Bill as he gives me a sad but soft smile back. Bill is the nice one, not like Tom. They are completely different. Bill closes the door and I listen to his footsteps walk away.

The shower had see-through blurred glass, of course. I undress and get in the shower, the water is at the right temperature and feels great on my body. I start washing my hair and the rest.

Toms pov

After Bill takes Camila

I see Bill walk away from the bathroom. "Did you take Camila to the shower?" I ask.

"Yeah, she's in there," Bill said a little low. I look at the bathroom door and then at Bill. Bill walks off to the living room. I make my way to the bathroom and open the door, I quickly take a look inside to make sure Bill isn't lying to me.

I see her in there, her body in clear shape through the blurred glass. She was so pretty and had the body of a women, I could see her hair flick about as she washed her hair. With her curves and her side profile, she was truly a beautiful person. I take a few more seconds to gaze at her perfect silhouette and I leave the room.

Camilas pov

I finish washing the soap out of my hair, I hear the door open, it's probably nothing and I'm just hearing things. I wash my body and then I get out of the shower, I wrap the towel around me, I look in the mirror at myself, and I see the door open and a feminine hand pop out with a makeup bag in her hand.

"Here you go babe, it's Emi by the way," Emi says politely, I take the bag,

"Thank you," I reply she shuts the door and I start getting ready.

I finish my makeup, I look different, I feel like I put too much makeup on but then I feel good-looking today. I sigh in relief take the remains of mine in the room and go out, I walk out and look down the stairs and see Tom, he looks up at me and stares at me for a moment. I give him a sad look before walking into his room and finding my bag full of clothing. I put my other clothes in there and walk downstairs. I see everyone there, laughing and talking, I meet eyes with Maria, and she gives me an upset look. She grabs these short heels and passes them to me. I put them on

"You okay?" Maria mutters close to me, I give her the "mhm" and she wraps her arms around me.

"Well, let's get going then," Gustav jumps up and takes Emi by the hand and walks out. Astrid and Georg followed, then Maria and Bill and lastly me and Tom.

"I just wanna say you look good," Tom compliments. I give a small smile at him.

"Thank you..." I reply awkwardly, we go out the door following the others and get in his car, I wonder what club it is. I get in the passenger as Tom gets in the driver seat, we both give each other a glance at the same time. He started driving as I sat there watching the road. Watching every car move, watching the clouds move along. Tom keeps his eyes focused on the road as he drives.

"Remember to behave and don't run off," Tom suddenly comments, that's all he had to say to cure this silence?

"Whatever," I say back, not giving a care in the world.

The drive was quite long, we pulled to a stop as we all got out of our cars. A little crowd is formed around us, Tom comes close and grabs me by the waist, I feel uncomfortable with this, the club was black with some hints of dark purple on the outside. I had a gut feeling I wasn't going to like this. I stood next to Maria, I gave her an uneasy look. We now walked inside.

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