Rose Blush

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Tom rushes over to me and helps me up. "You okay?" Tom checks up on me.

"E-erm I guess you could say that," I chuckle slightly. "I will make sure to never leave you again. I'm sorry Cam, I really am. Your so beautiful and I want to make up everything I've done." Tom apologises, whilst staring deeply into my eyes. I can feel myself blush a little. I smile at him.

"Thank you Tom, I needed that," I chuckle, his eyes beaming brown.

I look over at Georg, he looks wrecked. He picks up Astrids bloody body and rushes out the door. We could all tell she was properly dead. It was too late to save her. Toms hand crawls round my waist and we all leave the room. Once we get outside Maria comes over.

"Oh girl," Maria whispers and hugs me tight, but not too tight so it wouldn't hurt me. She lets go and takes my hand. "Please stay for me, I can't loose you,"

"Im always here with you," I reply, we walk to the car and I get in Toms. We all drive home, hopefully someone is a medic or something.
After a little bit of driving, we arrived back home. I feel exhausted like never before. Tom opens my side of the door and helps me out. I give him a sweet smile and we walk inside. I see Georg storming up to his room, hearing little sniffles on the way. I feel so bad for Georg.

"You wanna go up?" Tom turns and asks me, I nod my head and we both go upstairs. I rest on his bed, my head implanted into his comfy pillow. Tom sits next to me. He goes into his drawer and takes out a medical box. I'm quite shocked, Tom?

"Since when did you do medical stuff," I ask, Tom taking out what he needs.

"I do and don't, Astrid taught me just incase I, myself was hurt," Tom states. I make a interested expression on my face. Tom takes out some rubbing alcohol wipes, for the wounds.

"Tell me if it stings," Tom says in a sweet, quiet voice. He starts on my wrist, that he created. I wince a little bit but fight through it. He looks at me in my eyes once again. Ugh, I couldn't resist those autumn eyes. He takes a bandage out and wraps it around my cut. He's so gentle with it. The same blush appears on my face again. Tom takes some wipes to remove any blood on me. I've still got bruises on me, but I should be fine.

"Be right back, stay here," Tom jogs out the room. I hear the tap run, and the fridge open. Then Tom comes back. He has this miniature pack of ice. He places it on the bruises for a little while.

"Thank you for doing this," I speak. Tom does a meaningful smile at me. "No problem, are you feeling better?"

"Yeah actually," I answer back, I sigh as he puts the ice pack away.

"Once again, I am really sorry," Tom repeats. "It's okay," I say back at him. I look at his lips then back at his eyes. I lean in a little bit, just to kiss him. We start kissing for a little while. His soft lips colliding with mine. I pull back for a little bit and smile at him as he smiles back at me. I snuggle up in bed as he does so too. I cuddle in his arms. His cold, veiny hands keeping me wrapped in his presence.
I have no other ideas! This is quite a short chapter, I'm going back on holiday for Christmas, I will post probably Sunday! And it's nearly christmasss ahhhh!! Hope all of you have a wonderful Christmas and get what you want! Just another short notice, the next chapter is going to have s3x in, just to let you know! Lol I'm excited but not excited to type up the chapter but oh well! Gotta keep the supporters happy, love ya!

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