Bloody Happiness.

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(This is probably the worst chapters I've ever made but I probably will make more.)

It's now the night and were now going to a club. I didn't like clubs because of last time but I'm gonna try my best to look out properly and defend myself.

I wear this tight black dress with some cut outs made for a party and short heels. I have my hair down in waves and I do some dark liner around my eyes. I feel hot and prepared, every ones ready downstairs and we all head out the door, I get into Toms car. This club is different to the one as before, a little more further. We drive down streets with neon lights that light up the grey gloomy paths.

After about half an hour of driving we manage to make it there. Tom lets me out and takes my hand.

"You look beautiful," Tom whispers in my ear, I look up at him and smile immensely. Hopefully nothing goes wrong tonight.

We walk inside and it looks a little small, but I think it's okay, I see Maria and I look at her whilst she's with Bill. Apparently this club was much more serious than the other tremendous one. I see less people and more smaller in length.

We walk to a private area, and sit ourselves down. For goodness sake, there's these little petite girls who where the most revealing clothes again, there's a stage in the private area and they start dancing romantically to the beat. I sigh and pull my dress down a little as I cross my legs, Maria hints me to come with her to the bar.

"Just gonna go to the bar," I say to Tom, but he just nods a little as he's focused on these girls. I angrily sit myself up and walk away with Maria to the bar. We get our selves some drinks, Maria orders quite a a lot.

"Slow down," I put my hand on her shoulder. "Its fine, come on have some fun," Maria exclaims. I do wanna have some fun again, but that didn't go so well last time. I'll try one more time because it should be alright since this is a different bar. I order more alcohol and drink.

Now I am wasted, me and Maria don't come back to the private area, not really caring if anyone looking for us, I dance with Maria. Even though I am wasted, I look at the private room where Toms in and see him getting bombarded with girls. I sober up a little as tears began to fill. I wipe them away and go ask for more shots. I ask for more to remove the soberness away. I honestly can't see anything, it's all a blur to me, I think this is the most drunk I've ever been.

I start making out with random men, there all good kisser though. It feels good to be this free. I dance more and kiss more. This dude I'm kissing at the moment, grabs my ass and picks me up, we are really going for it, he puts me down. I swing my body around. After a while, having no clue whats going on, I feel a really sharp forceful hand dig into my wrist, it hurt so bad that I sobered up a little. I start getting confused, the music is jammed into my mind. This mysterious hand takes me to a dark corner.

A slap across my face is given, "Sober the fuck up Camila," A deep German voice shouts in my face, I sober up more as they punch me right in the face. I guessed who it was, Tom.

"What the fuck do you think your playing at!" "I saw him grab your ass and pick you up, the fuck is wrong with you!" My eyes start to come back to life as I start getting worried, my face stinging.

"What?" I shout back, another slap. "Your a pathetic whore! Kissing other men once again!" Tom spits in my face. My breathing starts to deepen and water fills my eyes.

"It's not like- It's not like you were going with other girls once again either!" I pause, pulling myself back together.

"Your stupid!" Tom pushes me to the floor and starts kicking me like crazy, spitting on me and kicking my face in. How could he do this?

"Get up," Tom demands, I try and get up but I stumble back to the floor, bleeding everywhere, scattered. Tom grabs me up and slams me against the wall.

"I think this is the last straw, you've done enough." I don't know what he means! I see a shiny sharp object down in his hand. I cry my eyes out.

"T-Tom stop," I try and say, still drunk a bit. Tom scoffs and I push my head back up as I feel a sharp pinch deepening into my wrist, I scream in pain. Tom immediately pulls out the knife and drops it onto the floor. Blood pouring out my wrist. I'm in so much pain, I'm still doing blood curdling screams, Tom whacks his hand over my mouth. All my tears pour out as I just got stabbed in the wrist. I barely did anything compared to what he did!

"What is your fucking problem!" I scream at his face. I wince at the sensation of blood coming out of me. I try all my might to pick up the knife on the floor and just stab him right here, i grab it quickly since he couldn't see it. It looks like I'm just crouching in pain. I pick up the knife and try and stab him quickly to get it over and down with, I cut him in the face, but that's not enough. He shoved my hand away and the knife goes flying out of reach.

"Well, you just ruined yourself more," Tom says, wiping a bit of blood off his face. He grabs me and pulls me in a room. He shoves me onto the bed. He starts coming onto me and he has some alcohol on him, he forces it down my pipehole to possibly make me drunk again, I choke on the alcohol a little bit, he makes me drink quite a lot. He waits for effect to take place, it finally starts. I'm drunk again, he could do anything to me now..

I hear 1 other person come into the room, I couldn't tell if it was manly or if it was a woman. It sounded like a woman to me. My dress suddenly comes up and I feel caresses over me, I scream and shout with all my might even though I was drunk.

A pull on my hair from a feminine hand and I hear the small giggles from her, Tom kisses me everywhere, my panties are thrown off, I don't know what to do with myself anymore. I feel something thrust into me and small noises are made, I couldn't get out, manly lips are connected with mine down my neck, Tom shoves his tongue down my throat at he thrusts into me more. I was scared, alone. Tom crawls up my body, giving me tingles after every move he takes. "You smell so good,"

I scream and cry. This was the worst bit of my life. After 10 minutes of torture. The female giggles and kisses me forehead and walks out the room. Just to come back in again. I'm sobered up more and I see medical stuff cleaning up my blood and my face. My dress is put back on and everything just stops in time. I hear a deep kiss and the female walks out the room, Tom is still here with me.

"This is what you put up with if you don't BEHAVE," I hear Toms hot breaths come closer as he kisses me on the cheek. "Now be a good girl for me, okay?"

I couldn't breath, I couldn't speak. Tom picks me up and takes me out of the horrid place and I suddenly pass out, everything goes dark and my head goes back in his arms. I guess we're going home now. I'm completely ruined. And I know how to ruin myself even more. I'm done.
So yeah, sorry if this is hurtful! I got the wrist part from the real story! So credits to that. I felt emotion come over me whilst typing this. I tried to make this as aggressive as I can, this is probably one of the most baddest chapters I've ever made! Ahh. I hate it.

Have a good day/night..

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