Dead inside out.

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Marias pov

All of us ran over to the direction Camila went, I was so worried. What if she's okay? What if she's lost? What if she's dead?

I look back at Tom as he storms in front of all of us, he has this cold but angry look on his face. Hopefully, Maria was okay, I couldn't stand finding her not breathing. We didn't exactly know which way she went, so we just hoped for the best. We turned corners and fell into dead ends, nothing was to be seen. We made it to the main road, it was pitch black, we could barely notice a thing. All of us were shouting her name but all we got in return was an ear-deafening silence and just some wind.

Hopeless, we turn this corner and I see a glimmering silver thing on the floor, I swiftly head over to it and pick it up. Shit, shit shit shit. It was the ring that she was wearing. At least we got somewhere.

"It's Camila's ring." It sparkles in the moonlight as I mess around with it. How are we going to find Camila with this?

"We need to find Camila, and fast," Tom states. We all head back to the car race, we get a little lost but we manage to find our way. All 4 cars were just lined up, we got into them and started driving back home.

After a little bit, we make it back. We all jog inside the house and start thinking of some ideas to find her, I check around the house to make sure she's not here.

"I just checked all the rooms and nobody's here," I said, stressed.

"How are we going to find her with a ring and nothing else?" Gustav asks. We all talk for a bit, I give them places that Camila would go to but I'm sure she wouldn't end up there. Suddenly, a notification pops up on someone's phone.

We all pause and check our phones, it's Tom's phone.
It was a picture of a dark room and...Camila tied up in a chair. She looked like she had passed out. The caption to the photo was,

"Looking for this slut?"

Tom bites his lip in rage, I start breathing heavily. Bill puts his arm around me to calm me down.

"I know who's basement that is, it's Harutos."
Camilas pov

I woke up, I didn't know what was going on but it was dark, with the smallest of light. My whole body aches. I tried and move but I couldn't, I was tied up to a chair. I start to panic and move around strongly to get out of this. What was going on, I screamed for help.

Suddenly I hear a pair of footsteps print across the cold floor. My head falls back a little bit.

"You're awake," this masculine deep voice appears.

"Get me out of here!" I shouted, this person came out in this small light so I could see him. He looked Japanese, he had dark hair and a built body, and he was wearing a midnight coloured suit.

"That won't be happening, you are Camila Ortiz correct?" He raises his eyebrows.

"I am not telling you who the fuck I am, let me go!" I raise my voice, the man chuckles a little bit.

He comes closer, plays with my hair and twirls it around his fingers. My arms were trapped so I couldn't get him off me.

"I'm Haruto, your father is Javier, your father is...such a problem," He pauses before carrying on.

"Fuck you! Don't say that about my father," I scowl. Haruto slaps me across the face.

"I can say whatever I want about your pathetic little daddy," He spits in my face. I feel tears in my eyes as the slap still burns across my face.

"Leave me alone!" I shout.

"Your father killed half my people, and I lost someone very close to me and Javier fucking ruined it all! So now he's going to pay." He smirks. What was going to happen? Is he going to kill me?

"No, what are you doing?!" I choke on my tears, I kick him in the shin, surprised I even managed that. Haruto turns to me slowly and comes up close then punches me right in the nose.

"Behave yourself," He orders. I can't even get out of this tightness that I'm in, I feel enclosed.

"Why have you got to go for me? I didn't do anything to you! You are pathetic and most certainly weird, fucking get me out of here you man whore!" I yell. Haruto bites his bottom lip.

Haruto takes a chunk of my hair and starts hitting me over and over again, my blood dripping and a little bit of my hair falls out as his grip is so tight, burns and scars all over my face.

"Watch your fucking mouth," Haruto starts to unravel the ties around me, I could possibly escape. As soon as he finished I immediately jumped out of the chair and tried and find the door, I found it but 2 big men were guarding the door, they pushed me down to the concrete hard floor. I panic.

"You shouldn't have done that," Haruto kicks me in the stomach and spits on me, my face is ruined, my eyes are on fire because of all the cries that are just pouring out of me, and my throat is just too tense to speak. I hope the others try and find a way to track me down. I'm sure they do.

Haruto grabs me up and clings onto the side of my arm, his grasp is so hard it makes me wince a little, it reminds me of Tom. He pushes me against a wall forcefully. I feel so broken. Dead inside out.

Haruto pulls out a gun from his back pocket, this was it. I don't deserve to die yet!

I lock my eyes on the gun, waiting for the trigger to be pulled. My breathing goes heavy as I'm about to die in this cold frightening trapped place.

"Any last words?"

I cry slowly as my eyes glue shut. I was waiting for that loud bang. Instead, I hear a door breaking down, I get startled and look to see who it is.

It's them! Tom, Bill, Maria, Gustav, Georg, Emi and Astrid. They all have guns in their hands except Maria, they were all ready and willing to fire if they needed to.

"Well well well, isn't it the worldwide Tokio Hotel," Haruto teases, I meet eyes with Maria, she looks deathly worried about me.

"Let her go," Tom demands with a still look on his face.

"Hmm, no, I was just about to shoot her pretty face out." The dead man chuckles.

"You wouldn't dare," Tom says, staring at him right in the eyes.

"Oh but, I would," He points his gun up at me, and my eyes squeeze together. My head turns away.

"Bye," Haruto chuckles as a gun fires. I scream a little bit. I open my eyes carefully, I look down at my body, I'm fine, I'm alive, I didn't get shot.

I see a bloody body in front of me, 4 shots to the back, going right through him. I'm glad he's dead. Now this was all over, even though I was still bleeding all over me. I run over to Maria, she pulls me in the tightest hug possible.

"I'm so glad you're okay, but you look horrifying what happened!" Maria examines my face.

"I'm fine, I promise."

I look at the others, I meet Tom's brown autumn eyes, he looks terrified for me too, his eyes sparkle with worry but pureness, he still had that one cold expression on his face that he would not be able to get rid of. It was probably stuck there forever.
It's getting late so I finished it off here! Sorry I haven't posted chapters ever so often, just been busy! And oh my god thank you for 2.52k reads! I definitely did not expect this to happen. Love you all!

And I edited the last chapter that's why a ring was found, so you can go check it out to it will make sense more!

I didn't do a spell check or anything so sorry if some of it doesn't make sense.

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