Chapter 1

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(Everyday By Ariana Grande & Future)

Corpse's Pov

"Are you gonna hop in the game?" Karl asked me, and I hummed in response.

"Join in a sec." I responded before he left the call and joined the main VC.

I typed out Cora's number quickly as I joined the call. Many hello's surfaced, and I said hi back. I cracked my knuckles, as the among us game started.

I grabbed my phone again, starting to type out a text message. The rings on my fingers reflected the lights shining from my PC.

I put my phone down once more, starting to play the game again. Only to see Cora, jumping in a vent after killing Karl.

"Okay Cora. Fess up." I said, before hearing her laughter through the call.

"I did nothing. Don't lie on my name like that!" She shouted and I felt myself laughing.

"Asshole, Corpse! You're an asshole!" She screamed before her body floated off into space. Unlocking my phone again, I finished typing out the text message.

"Avenge me, Corpse!" Karl screamed, causing me to smile.

"Always, Karl."

"Come visit me right now." Karl said in response before we all had to mute.


Mr. Jacobs has been talking about how much he wants to visit...
I think we should plan something for his birthday
Maybe we can surprise him
Let me know

I sent the message to Cora, and put my phone back down, before being killed by Toast. My phone pinged before I picked it up.

Mr. Jacobs sounds like a lucky guy
But no plans will go through if you text the wrong number

Oh shit
I didn't even realize
Same number

Different area code?

Jeez you type quick
Yeah how did you know?

I read books
I'm that bitch
You know?

Whatever floats your boat, mystery person

Now can I go back to work
Or do I have to keep texting you back

Go back to making minimum wage

And I probably make more than you

I don't know
I think I may have you beat

Yeah right

Aren't you supposed to
be going back to work?

Bye stranger
Don't text me
Love you

Love you??
I think we are moving a bit too quick

I said don't text me
I have work
Love you 😘

Love you too????

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