Chapter 28

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(Feels Like By Gracie Abrams)

Julie's Pov

"I'm home." I mumbled before walking into my apartment.

Sprawled out of my couch watching Tangled was Matteo. I smiled as I watched him watch the movie. I guess he didn't hear me come in. I kicked my shoes off, throwing my bag down gently, and walking over to him.

"This is a normal day for you?" Matteo asked, before looking at the time on his phone.

I nodded my head, too exhausted to speak, before I laid down on top of him. His hands immediately went to comb through my hair.

"Why don't we get ready for bed?" He said, before I hummed in response, not wanting to move.

Tomorrow is his last day here before he goes back home. I've been dreading it, but I know he has to go back home. One day I will get him to move out here with me.

"Can you make something?" I asked him, causing him to chuckle.

"Yeah, what do you want?" He said before I sat up.

"A bowl of cereal, four grapes, three strawberries, and a cut up banana." I said and he started laughing as I walked towards my room.

"Please!" I shouted before closing the door. I grabbed clothes and went to my attached bathroom, before showering.

I showered quickly, not wanting to waste any time without him because he leaves. I walked out of my bathroom in my pajamas and he stared at me.

"What?" I said, sitting down at my kitchen table.

"Nothing. You just always look beautiful." He spoke with a smile causing me to laugh.

"I know I do." I said, staring up at him.

The silence was comfortable as I ate. He sat with me, playing with the rings on my hand, and saying things here and there.

"Can you be my boyfriend or whatever?" I asked, and his mouth dropped open.

Some thoughts you should keep in your head.

"Did you just ask me to be your boyfriend?" He said with a cheeky smile.

"Or whatever." I shrugged, causing him to laugh.

"Of course I will." He kissed the side of my head, taking my dishes from me and doing them.

I will be marrying this man.

"What do I do when you leave now?" I asked, hoping that now that he was my boyfriend he would have to stay.

"You'll call me everyday when you get home from work. I'll do everything I can to be here without being able to be here." He grabbed my hands, pulling me up from my seat.

"Cause I love you." He mumbled against my forehead.

"Say it again." I said, walking backwards so I could face him as we walked to my room.

"I love you." I wrapped my arms around him, hugging him tightly.

"I love you." I said, and I felt his smile form.

This is what love feels like.

488 Words

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