Chapter 18

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(Into It By Chase Atlantic)

Corpse's  Pov

The street was empty when we walked out of the bar. Julie locked the door, after making sure Eryn and Foolish were okay. She turned on the security system, as I stood by her side.

Cora and Karl left, Karl was drunk out of his mind, and Cora was exhausted but I wanted to make sure Julie was okay and could handle herself. Dlo ended up falling asleep in Julie's office, so Julie let him be, and set an alarm on her phone to come by in the morning and check on everyone.

"Where is your car at?" I asked, moving her to the other side of me, so she wasn't next to the street.

She clicked her unlock button, and the headlights lit up the parking lot. She looked at me with a smile, and I looked down at her.

She's beautiful.

She handed me the keys and I looked at her with a confused expression.

"Jules, I don't know how to drive a stick shift."

She shook her head with a smile before taking the keys back from me. She walked in front of me, her body inches away from brushing into mine, which made me just want to melt right there. She opened the driver's door, before pointing at the passenger's seat.

"I can uber to the hotel-"

She pushed me towards the passenger's seat, causing me to chuckle. She got into the driver's seat, and I got into the passenger's seat. The black leather interior was the first thing that I noticed.

She handed me her phone, I opened it and saw our texts. She was spamming my phone earlier because I was ignoring her.

"Don't get attached as my name is crazy." I said, looking over at her and she smiled but quickly covered her mouth with her hand.

She started the car as I typed in the hotel address. The car rumbled, and I felt my body shake at the start up. She put her seatbelt on, which was across both of her arms. I've never seen seatbelts like that before.

I had them too, but I never wore my seatbelt. She looked over at me, and signaled me to put it on. I let out a huff, but ultimately followed her directions. If it was anyone else I wouldn't have done it, but for her I'd do anything.

She turned on the starlight ceiling and gave me the remote to pick any color I wanted. I clicked blue, before she plugged her phone in, and handed it to me. I looked up my playlist, saved it, and played it from her phone.

"I get aux privileges, you must really love me." I said, causing her to smile.

I was never confident, but I think because of the fact that she didn't talk, it made me confident. There was nothing she could say in rebuttal like how she would over texting. She made me feel so many emotions that I never thought were even possible to feel.

She moved the car into first gear, and I stared at her hand as she did it. I always wanted to learn how to drive stick shift, but I've never known someone with a stick shift car.

She flipped her turn signal, and turned onto the street. She stayed in first gear, and I noticed the speed limit sign became a higher number as we got farther away from the main road. I looked at her as she cracked the windows a little, before switching lanes and turning again onto the highway.

I felt a familiar feeling of adrenaline pump through my veins, but this time I wasn't the one driving. She grabbed my hand, putting it on the gear shifter, and placing her hand on top. I felt the goosebumps appear on my skin, as I looked over at her.

The lights reflected off of her skin, causing her face to be lit up in a shade of blue. I felt myself becoming more in touch with everything in the world. She shifted gears, and the car went quicker. Her hands were freezing, but they slowly warmed up while being on mine.

My heart was beating at crazy speeds. Not only from the fact that I was having an adrenaline rush, but also the fact that she had her hand over mine, and she did that on her own.

She shifted gears again, and looked at me with a smile.

"Keep your eyes on the road." I said, feeling the adrenaline and the excitement creep inside of my veins even more.

She smiled as she stayed looking at me, shifting gears once again. I stared back at her, nobody else was on the road except for us. The darkness overtook the highways. She shifted gears again, pushing the car to go faster.

"Jules." I breathed out, and she smiled before looking back at the road.

She shifted gears back, and let off the gas as we took the exit off of the highway. I didn't want to go back to the hotel yet. I wanted to spend as much time with her as I possibly could. I wanted to stay.

The hotel came into view as we stopped at a red light. I felt everything slowly start to move quickly. I felt like we were at the light for one second before it turned green. She pulled into the parking lot, and parked in a spot.

Neither of us made a move. I don't think either of us wanted to move. She turned and faced me, with that smile. That smile that could make people stop whatever they were doing and stare.

The smile that made me stop and stare.

I felt everything in this world stop as I stared at her. She knew exactly how to take my breath away. She had to have known exactly what she was doing. She has to know that she has me wrapped around her finger.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" I asked, and she nodded her head yes.

I smiled as before I moved to open the door. The coldness came back to my hand, and my body. I shut the door before she opened hers and gave me a look of disapproval.

"What did I do?" I asked, standing at the back of her car.

She ran over and threw her arms around me once more with a smile on her face. I lifted her off of the ground, and she wrapped her legs around my torso. Her one hand went to the back of my head, combing through my hair softly, and the other one was wrapped around me.

"I'll see you tomorrow." I mumbled, as her hands dropped.

I slowly put her down and she nodded.

"Get home safe. Text me when you get home." I said, making sure she got back in the car before I started to walk into the hotel.

I watched her drive away with a smile on my face.

I'm so into her.

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