Chapter 26

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(Meddle About By Chase Atlantic)

Corpse's Pov

I'm nervous.

I put my gloves in my helmet, before doing the same with Roxanne's helmet. I put my bookbag around Julie, clipping it around her. She looked up at me and shrugged. Roxanne was sitting on the couch, so Julie was staying quiet, which I respected.

"Normally I would wear it, but you're going to be my backpack today." I put my wallet in the bookbag, and a bottle of water.

"I'm jealous of you guys. I've never had a backpack before." Roxanne said, shoving her face with food.

"She means a person to ride with." I mumbled once I noticed Julie's confusion.

"Chica, I will come over there and kiss you. Maybe then you can drive with me instead." Roxanne spoke sarcastically, walking over, towering over Julie in height. Julie snorted, before shaking her head with a smile.

"Anything you want in here?" I asked her, and she gave me her phone. I zipped the bag up, handing her Roxanne's helmet. I grabbed my own, before grabbing her hand with my other hand.

"Make sure to squeeze so tight! He will shit himself!" Roxanne yelled as we walked out of the door.

"Fuck you!" I cheerily yelled, causing her to laugh loudly.

I closed the door, and could still hear her laughing. We walked down the hallway, I stared at her with every step. She was in my black leather jacket, with a low cut black crop top, black ripped jeans, and black timberlands.

She looked good.

I felt her hand squeeze my bicep as we got onto the elevator. I looked down at her, pulling her in front of me so that she stood in between my legs. I had my one hand on her waist while my other one was still holding my helmet.

I want to drop it.

Her free hand traveled to my face, bringing me down, and pressing my lips to hers.

I swear, life has never been better. I think I knew from the moment I first met Julie that she was the love of my life. I think I knew from the first text. I didn't know who she was, but I sure as hell know who she is now.

I've never wanted anything more than how much I want her. Now that i have Julie, i feel like i'm on top of the fucking world. She is genuinely the best thing that has ever happened to me. She saved me, and I saved her.

Her hands pulled at my hair, but I couldn't give a shit. I was slowly becoming more and more breathless but it's just her and I in this world.

It was her and I against the world. We are a team. A force to be reckoned with, and I would beat anyone's ass, if they tried to mess with me or her. The elevator rang, and she pulled away, walking out of it like nothing happened.

She's doing all of this shit on purpose.

I know that she knows that she drives me crazy. There is no way that Julie doesn't know the hold she has on me. I quickly followed her out of the elevator, before she stopped, causing me to run into her back.

"Where are we going?" She asked, not knowing what direction I was parked in.

"Uh- Ov- He- Follow me." I kept stumbling over my words. She had me stumbling over my words.

She smirked, holding my hand as I pulled her along. I stopped at my bike, Roxanne's was parked next to mine. I took my gloves out, setting them on my seat as I looked at Julie. Her mouth was hung open.

"I actually thought you were lying, but you really are a motorcycle man." I chuckled, causing her cheeks to turn red.

I put my helmet on, flipping up my visor. I then grabbed my gloves, putting them on, before grabbing her helmet from her hands. I took the gloves out, and put her helmet on.

"Can you hear me?" I asked her, hoping that the ear pieces were connected.

"No." She responded, causing me to roll my eyes.

I handed her the gloves, and she slipped them on her hands.

"Okay, so when you get on, step right here. This is where you can keep your feet. You don't wanna burn yourself." I flipped my visor down so that she could hear me better through the ear pieces.

I stepped over, sitting on the bike. She stood there, and I could tell that she wasn't exactly sure what to do. I put my finger through her belt loop, pulling her closer to me.

"You got it. I'm right here." I held her hand as she stood on the peg, throwing her leg over the bike.

"Get comfortable." I said, and she moved around, before putting her hands on my shoulders to steady herself.

"How fast does this thing go?" She asked, causing me to chuckle. I unhooked my keys from my belt, and twisting them in the ignition.

"Not fast if you don't want to." I looked back at her through my side mirrors, and she smiled at me.

"I'm saying that because I want you to go fast." She wrapped her arms around my stomach, loosely because we haven't even moved.

"Are you ready to start moving?" I asked, and she quickly nodded her head.

I kicked the kickstand up, looking both ways as I pulled my feet up, and started driving slowly. I could feel the adrenaline slowly creep up into my veins, and I wanted nothing more than to fly down the street.

I wouldn't. Not with her. I wouldn't risk her life like that. We got to the main road, and my adrenaline was now nerves. I'm scared, what if she hates this? What if-

There was a gap in the traffic, causing me to pick up speed and turn left onto the main road. Her arms stayed loosely around me, and I wondered why she wasn't death gripping me.

"You okay?" I asked her as we stopped at a light. We haven't gone over 15, but i'm still scared shitless.

"Can you fuckin' gun this thing or what?" She ranted, causing me to get caught off guard.

"You want me to drive fast?" I asked her, the light turned green causing me to pick my feet up again.

"Hell yeah i do."

That was enough for me.

I switched lanes to the right lane, turning, and going in a loop, getting onto one of the back road highways of San Diego. I could see her smile as I gained speed.

She surprises me every day.

"Hold on. This guy is pissing me off." She leaned into me, and wrapped her arms around me tighter before I sped up passing another biker who was being an asshole to everyone.

I slowed down once I got enough away from him and I tapped her knee getting her attention.

"Cop." I said and she looked at me like I was crazy.

"Okay. Now you have to memorize my streets when you come to visit." She laughed out, causing me to smile.

She wants me to visit.

"By the end of this ride, you'll be my girlfriend if you can handle it." I shrugged, causing her to laugh.

"Oh will I?" I could hear the smirk in her voice, and I felt the adrenaline and my heart pumping all at the same time.

This isn't a good mix.

"You will." I spoke confidently, catching myself off guard.

"Okay Mr. Confident. Let's see what you got."

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