Chapter 13

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(Chains By Nick Jonas)

Corpse's Pov


"Corpsie! Are you ready to meet the love of your life?" Karl asked, walking into the kitchen where I was trying to find something to eat.

"I guess? And for the last time, she's not the love of my life." I said and he laughed.

"You're nervous aren't you?" He asked, and I nodded my head with a tight lipped smile.

"Plus your girlfriend knows something, and it's causing me to have anxiety." I narrowed my eyes at Cora and she just shrugged.

"Like I've been saying. I don't know what you're talking about." She smiled, and I knew she was lying.

I knew that she knew something. I have no idea what Cora knows, but I know it's creating so much excitement in her, and it's creating so much nerves in me.

"You're lying." I mumbled and she hummed.

I walked over, sitting down on my couch, ultimately giving up on trying to find something to eat. I just needed to relax. My nerves and anxiety were through the roof because of the simple fact that I was going to be seeing Julie.

I'm so nervous to see her, meet her, hug her. I'm beyond scared to meet her. I didn't expect myself to fall for anyone, and I didn't expect it to be Julie. She lives halfway across America, and yet every day I wait for her.

She makes me smile like no other. She is the only person this past month that has really understood me. The only person that has really talked to me. She constantly is there for me, even if it's three in the morning.

Whenever I need her, she always appears out of thin air.

Just as I was continuing that thought, my phone buzzed. I felt a smile cross my face as I looked at her texts coming through.

My favorite girl

It's mood of the day time

I'm ready

What have you thugged out?

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What have you thugged out?

I had the worst headache yesterday
I thugged it out
Yk me
Im the best

Did you not just take medicine?

Uh no
I hate medicine

It helps sometimes

I hate it
So i thugged it out

So real of you

Thanks for the support
Its very appreciated

Of course
What are you doing today?

Laying around all day

No work?


That sounds so fun

She's gonna meet my fish in my new fish tank
She is SO excited

I'm so excited for you

Thank you

Keep me updated!
Go spend time with her
Love you Jules

Will do!
Love you too

I sighed as i closed my eyes from the couch. Cora and Karl were talking, but i wasn't paying attention. Everything always went t Julie. My soul ached to know hers.

It was like Julie had a gun pointed at my heart, and I was waiting to see if she was going to shoot or not.

This girl has so much power over me and she doesn't even know it. If she asked me for anything, I would drop anything I was doing to help her. She has no idea the lengths I'd go to make sure she's okay.

I hate social interaction, I hate it with every bone in my body. I hate talking to people, sometimes I even hate talking to my friends. But I have never once found myself hating talking to her.

I swear she's my drug.

Every person has one person that they are so addicted to. Julie is mine, she's my addiction. I just hope nothing between us changes once I meet her.

I hope everything is okay.

"Are you okay over there?" Cora asked, noticing my silence and I nodded.

"Just thinking." I kept my responses short. I always did.

As much as I love Karl and Cora, I just hate talking about my feelings. I hate being in that mushy shit. I just like taking one day at a time because you never know when it's going to be your last.

Learned that lesson from Wilbur and Sapnap.

I guess that's why I'm so dead set on meeting Julie. I know part of me has feelings for her. Nothing in this world is promised, and I want to make sure that I get to meet her before anything happens.

I want to meet her, end of story. I want to be able to see her face, hear her voice. I just know that she's even better than how I imagine her.

I know her and at the same time I completely don't know her at all.

What is happening to me?

Everything turns all warm and fuzzy when my mind thinks about her. I hate it, but I love it. I love this new feeling but it's so strange to me.

I laid my head back on the couch and groaned in frustration.

"I hate this." I concluded and they both laughed.

"What part do you hate? Realizing you're in love or-" Karl said before Cora started to speak.

"Or realizing you're in love and then wanting to drive off a cliff?"

"I'm not in love. I haven't even met her. It's a stupid crush." I rolled my eyes, looking at the two.

"Whatever you say." Cora shrugged and I shook my head.

"You both are assholes. And no help."

"What do you want us to say? Hate her? Because you obviously can't when you can't stop thinking about her or checking your phone." Karl said and I let out a huff.

"I do not check my phone that often." I grumbled before Cora started texting on her phone.

She put her phone down and like ten seconds went by before my phone dinged.

I picked my phone up, and looked at it.

"See!" Karl Said and I threw my phone down on the couch, seeing Cora's contact.

No way they just set me up.

"I mean this in the nicest way possible, Corpse. Deep down, you are somewhat in love with Julie."

1010 Words

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