Train Ride

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"Can you believe it Draco?" The young blonde girl says to her older brother as she's about to go through the wall between platforms 9 and 10. She has her trunk on her trolly along with a cage for her owl. Her owl was brown with dark spots all over. Her on the other hand had long luxious blonde hair. Her skin was pale just like her brother, mother, and father.

"Yea well Hogwarts isn't what it seems to be. There's people like Dumbledore and Harry Potter there who think they're better then the rest of us." Draco didn't look over to his sister. He kept his eyes towards the wall while his mum was making sure there was no muggles around to watch.

"Ok, Naomi you can go after Draco, and Draco make sure after you go through the wall you wait for your sister. Me and your dad will go right after you both." Their mum, Narcissa told them. Both Draco and Naomi said ok and did as thier mum said.

"I'm so excited to actually get on the train this time. Last year it was upsetting not being able to get on with you, but this year I can." Naomi told her brother very excitedly. Her hands were shut together in front of her face.

"Yea..the train ride to Hogwarts is so cool you get to see so many views. I think you'd like it." Draco smiled as he looked to the right where his sister was standing. Their mum came through the wall and after came their dad, Lucius. Lucius nodded his head toward the train telling them to start walking towards it. As they were walking they could see loads of kids with their parents and friends. Some were alone but most of them weren't. They could smell the smoke coming from the train it didn't smell entierely bad, Naomi thought.

They got to the part of the train where they get on. "Bye mum, bye dad." Draco says giving both of his parents a hug and gets a kiss on the cheek from his mum. Then it was Naomi's turn to say goodbye. She felt a little sad inside having to be away from them for awhile but she was glad that she gets to stay with Draco. He's a good brother she thought to herself.

"Bye mum, I'll miss you so much and I bet I'll miss your cooking too." Naomi chuckled a little to herself. Her mum gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek as well as saying goodbye. "Bye dad. I'm also going to miss you." She gives him a hug.

"Ok, now get a move on." Lucius told both of his children. Naomi looked over to Draco and he smiled at her and got onto the train. Naomi's heart was pounding fast. She was so nervous but excited at the same time. She couldn't really get her feelings together. As she was walking through the train following her brother she could feel some eyes on her. She didn't know why but also didn't really pay attention to it.

Draco had found an empty capartment and sat in it with Naomi following behind him. She put her stuff on the storage area on top and sat next to Draco. He put an arm around her and she rest her head on his shoulder. "Draco, can I tell you something?" She said sitting up looking at him.

"Yea, you know you can tell me anything." He looked over at her.

"I'm scared no one's going to like me and I'm not going to have any friends." She told him while she fidgeted with her hands.

"Don't worry about that. Just worry about being yourself and Harry Potter because you never know when he's going to trick you into doing something horrible." Draco's voice got bitter at the end but he still managed to cheer his little sister up. He put his arm around her again so she can fall asleep.

The door to the compartment opended suddenly. Crabbe and Goyle walked in and once Draco had seen that he immediately took his arm off of Naomi. She sat up in confusion then saw her brothers friends sitting down across from them. "Hello! You guys must be Crabbe and Goyle I've heard so much about you. I'm sure Draco told you about me?" Naomi started speaking.

Draco put his hands to his face. "Uh no? Sorry who are you?" Crabbe asked the girl he just met. She looked over to Draco who didn't look at her.

"Oh.." Naomi had caught on that Draco never mentioned her for a reason, but that reason she didn't know. "Sorry I thought Draco would've mentioned he had a sister. My name is Naomi Stella Malfoy." She put her hand out to shake the two boys across from her. They were both in shock.

"You never told us you had a sister, in fact you told us you were an only child." Goyle spoke.

"An only child?! Really Draco? What's the matter with you." Naomi was very upset about this information. Finding out that her brother pretended he didn't have a sibling at school but at home is a wonderful brother really hurt her. She got up to grab her stuff.

"Jesus don't be such a wimp about it Naomi." Draco rolled his eyes but he really felt bad she had to find out like this. He was hoping that everyone would find out about her at the sorting ceremony and he would be able to tell his friends not to mention it. But it was too late for that now. He has to keep his reputation up and he can't let his little sister ruin it.

Naomi stormed out the capartment with her stuff and went to find another one. There was a redhead sitting with two other redheads who appeared to be twins. The compartment door was already opened so she was a bit nervous to speak. "Um excuse me? Do you mind if I sit with you. Everywhere else is full." She asked.

"No we don't mind at all!" Both of the twins said in unison. All three of them had welcoming smiles. They gave Naomi the feeling of comfort. Kind of like the feeling she gets with Draco but with him it's stronger. She feels safe and protected.

"Hi, I'm Naomi Malfoy. It's nice to meet you." She said putting her hand out to shake theirs. They all looked at her with their smiles fading.

"Malfoy has a sister?.." One of the twins said.

"Yes and obvisouly he didn't tell you about me either. What is it with him and keeping me a secret." Naomi rolled her eyes and sat next to the girl. "So..what's your names?"

"I'm Ginny Weasley and these are my older brothers George and Fred. I've heard about your family you know..people say you guys are bullies." Ginny told her.

Naomi let out a small chuckle. "Bullies? Really? If anything the only bully in my family is my dad. But I'm not a bully neither is Draco. He's really kind." Naomi explained to them. Fred and George looked at each other in surprise.

"Why don't you tell us more about this kind Draco we have yet to meet." Fred told Naomi. His eyebrows moved down then up when he spoke.

"I'm not sure if that's a good idea. Maybe I shouldn't have said anything." Naomi said skeptical. "You know I've heard about your family as well. My dad used to tell me not to get involved with you guys because you're poor annoying little children, but I think he's wrong. You guys might be poor but you're not annoying." Naomi said. She really liked the twins. She couldn't say the same about Ginny though. Only because she wasn't talking that much.

"Yea you don't seem bad like Malfoy, I expect you'll be put into Slytherin like the rest of your family because it's in your blood. That's what the sorting hat does with us Weasleys which means of course Ginny is going to be put in Gryffindor." George said nudging her a bit with a grin on his face.

"I'm a first year. I'm so excited to be here." Ginny spoke excitedly. Naomi agreed with her . For the rest of the train ride they all had fun speaking with each other and getting to know each other. Naomi didn't know why her dad didn't like the Weasley's they seemed so kind. Or well at least they were kind to her.

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