Polyjuice Potion

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"Stupid Professor Snape. I did that to impress him and all he does is get mad. Should've known." Naomi heard Draco talking to Crabbe and Goyle. They were walking in the corridors waiting for their next class to start.

Naomi caught up with them. "What did you do?" She asked intrigued in what he was just talking about.

"First of all he made me and Harry duel, for class obviously. I was in the lead and well let's just say I gave him a pet snake. But he started speaking to it in Parseltongue and Professor Snape wasn't happy with me." Draco explained rolling his eyes. He told them he wasn't going to let it bother them.

"Wait if Harry can speak parseltongue then maybe he's the heir of Salazar." Goyle suggested. They all looked at him with their faces scrunched up. Then they all started busting out laughing because they thought it could never be Harry.

A couple of hours had passed and it was getting dark inside the castle. Naomi was walking around seeing as she had no homework or anything to do. She spotted Harry. "Hello Harry." Naomi said eagerly.

"Hello Naomi." He said giving her a smile. Harry had grown to like her and so had she to him. Her brother didn't quite like the fact that they were friends but she didn't care. He can't choose her friends for her. Naomi didn't even know a good reason for not liking Harry, sure he can act like he's better because he's 'the chosen one' but it's really not that bad.

Naomi was about to speak up but she was cut off by a voice. She noticed that Harry heard it too seeing as they both looked at the wall that the voice was coming from. "You hear that too?" Harry asked. Naomi nodded as they both went closer to the wall putting their ear against it. They both turned the corridor to see Nearly Headless Nick looking like he died again.

"I just came from this way, this just recently happened." Naomi said turning to look at Harry as he stared at Sit Nicholas in shock. Harry started walking towards something on the ground. It was a bod. "Oh my gosh!" Naomi said putting both of her hands to her mouth.

Someone started speaking to them but this time It was a recognizable voice. They both turned around to see Flich. "Caught in the act. I'll have you out this time Potter. Mark my words." He growled lowly and started walking away.

"No Mr. Flich!" Naomi said about to go after him.

"You don't understand." Harry said truthfully, but stayed where he was. Which also made Naomi stay. Harry stood up looking outside the window.

"What're you looking at." Naomi asked. Harry pointed to spiders. Mr. Filch came back but this time he has Professor McGonagall with him. She looked to see Sir Nicholas and the body.

"Professor...I swear I didn't." Harry said.

"I was here the whole time he didn't do anything." Naomi tried telling her. She just looked at them both letting them know nothing is up to her. She started walking away telling Harry to follow her and for Naomi to go back to what she was doing. She decided to go back to the Slytherin common room and let Damon know what just happened.

"You'll never guess what happened to me and Harry, Damon." She told him sitting next to him. He looked at her eagerly waiting to hear what she has to say. "Me and Harry both heard a voice coming from the walls and we turned the corner to see Sir Nicholas and a student stunned or something." She told him.

"Really? How did that happen. Maybe it was Potter." Damon suggested.

"Couldn't have been. I had just came from that way when I saw Harry we both entered the room at the same time." Naomi explained but she could tell Damon thought it might've been Harry he just didn't say anything.

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