Sorting Ceremony

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Naomi got off the train with her new friends who happen to be the Weasleys. "First year's over here!" She heard a man calling. Naomi looked over to her left to see a huge man who was about the size of a giant. Woah she thought to herself.

"C'mon Naomi we're supposed to be over here." Ginny told Naomi while she started to walk towards the big man.

"Yea, I'll be right there I just have to take care of something first." Naomi told her. Ginny shrugged and walked away. "Draco!"Naomi yelled while looking for her brother. She had to make it quick so she doesn't get left behind. "Draco!" She yelled again. She spotted her brother somewhere in the crowd so she sprinted after him. "Draco, wait up!" She saw him turn his head then tell something to his friends.

He started walking towards her. "What're you doing. You have to be with the first years." He told her looking around.

"I know I just wanted to say bye to you first. I hope I get Slytherin like you." Naomi gave him a hug in which he returned.

"I know you will. Don't worry about that. Ok now go back with the first years.' Draco said rubbing the top of her head which messed up her hair a bit. They stopped hugging and Naomi went back to where all the first years are. She looked around for Ginny and found her in a boat with another boy.

"Mind if I sit with you guys?" Naomi asked.

"Of course not. This is Damon Kennedy I just met him. Damon, this is Naomi Malfoy I met her on the train." Ginny introduced them to each other. Naomi said hello and so did Damon. On their way to the Castle the lake looked amazing. As if it was enchanted.

"Don't you guys think this is just marvelous. Everything here is just as expected maybe even better." Naomi said looking around. Damon and Ginny agreed with her.

"So what house are you guys hoping to get?" Damon asked trying to make conversation.

"I really hope I get into Slytherin so I can be with my brother. If not Slytherin then Gryffindor so I could be with Fred and George because I've already made friends with them." Naomi explained to them both.

"I'm hoping for Gryffindor, but anyone who knows us Weasley's already know I am going to get into Gryffindor. It's in my blood." Ginny only told half the truth. "I also wouldn't mind getting into Slytherin so I could be with you Naomi but I'm not so sure about it."

"What house do you want?" Naomi asked Damon.

"I haven't really had much time to think about which houses. I'm muggle-born so I don't know much about them." They had gotten to the castle by the time they were finished with their conversation. The walk through the outside of the castle to the inside felt magical, but walking through Hogwarts felt even more magical. Naomi could feel it in her bones that she was meant to be there. Meant to be in Slytherin just like her older brother, Draco. They had suddenly came to a stop where there was a teacher who introduced herself as Professor McGonagall. Naomi thought to herself how much fun she'd have here.

"Once you walk through these doors you will be sorted into your houses..." Professor McGonagall started to explain how all the different houses are.

"I think I want to be in Gryffindor it sounds the most intriguing." Damon whispered over to Ginny and Naomi. They all walked into the great hall to see floating candes and nightly lit sky above them. She knew it was only bewitched to look like that. Draco had told her about it when he came home from his first year at Hogwarts. He had told her he heard someone telling their friend about it.

Once they got to the start McGonagall explained how the sorting ceremony will be done. Naomi looked over to the Slytherin table and waved to Draco with a smile on her face. He just looked at her then looked away. Naomi got a weary feeling about that and ignored him.

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