The plan

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It's been a while since the secret had gotten out. Everyone started to become distant from Naomi. She had her friends by her side but Draco hadn't been talking to her. She felt so alone but felt more energetic at the same time. The only ones who really noticed it were Damon and Fiona.

She hadn't been able to inform them about her idea because of everything that has happened but today everyone was going to Hogsmeade so she thought it was the perfect moment seeing as first and second years weren't allowed. No one would be eavesdropping.

Once all the older students were out in Hogsmeade the three of them started heading towards the common room. "I was going to tell you my idea sooner but with what happened I got distracted." Naomi explained as she walked through the portrait door. They walked over to a corner of the room and sat down. They had some homework to do but none of them felt the need to get it done right away. "Instead of focusing on everything at once. Why don't we focus on one subject. We could create something new. Like a potion, or a spell. Something along those lines." She told them quietly.

"You know that's one of the smartest things I've heard come out of your mouth." Said Damon somewhat proud. Naomi smiled, pleased with herself for coming up with this.

"Do you even realize how hard that is. I mean how would we even do that. Just wave our wand around? Add random ingredients and see if it'll kill us?" Fiona told them. Both her and Damon looked over to Naomi to see what she had to say about that.

"Um well you see I haven't really thought about that yet. But I mean for a potion we could look at the types of potions that have been created already and see which ones are the most similar to what we want to create?.." She was a bit hesitant because she wasn't exactly sure if that would work.

"Ok and what if we wanted to create a spell?" Fiona asked with a bit of jealousy in her voice. Naomi made an annoyed face at Fiona but she didn't even realize it.

"Well I haven't thought about that yet..." Naomi was stuck. She didn't even know where to begin with that one.

"That's alright. We can try the potion one. I wonder how long it'll take. How we're going to get the ingredients and things like that." Damon said feeling the awkardness between the two girls.

Somebody entered the room and the three of them stared at the girl. She was very confused and slightly smiled as she went up to her dormitory. "Let's talk more about this later. I wanna see if there's a way to get into Hogsmeade without the teachers knowing." Fiona said getting up.

Naomi also stood up. "I'm going to find Ginny and Luna. Neville's at Hogsmeade and I haven't hung out with them for a while." She said bye to them. As she was walking away she didn't see Damon get up, on the other hand Fiona had already left while Naomi was still talking.

On her way to see Ginny and Luna she bumped into Harry. "What're you doing here, shouldn't you be at Hogsmeade with your minions?" Naomi rolled her eyes.

"None of your business Malfoy." Harry had a small bruise on his cheek from where Draco hit him. Ron looked worse because he was the main one Draco went after.

"Aww did the poor baby's parents not sign his permission slip? Wait I forgot. They're dead." Naomi smirked as she saw Potters face grow more red. His mouth was about to open to say something back to her but then Snape came over to them.

"Is there a problem here? Miss Malfoy, Mr. Potter?" He looked from each of them. Naomi quickly told him everything was fine then walked away.


"Draco!" Naomi ran up to Draco catching her breath. "Did you hear what happened at Gryffindor tower? Ginny just told me." She questioned looking up to her brother.

"Of course I've heard." He said stopping as his friends continued walking. His voice turned to a whisper, "He's obviously out for Pottah, there's no need for us to worry."

"You're worried?" Naomi chuckled. "I'm not worried. Hell I might join him if he wants to kill Harry." She smiled. Draco just looked at her with no expression.

"I am not worried. I just thought you might be. Go to bed, it's late." Draco told her sternly looking directly into her eyes.

"Ok 'dad'." She rolled her eyes as she walked into the common room. Draco watched the portrait close before returning to his own friends.

Fiona and some of her other friends were sitting on the couch while Damon was on the other side of the common room. He was by himself so Naomi decided to go sit with him instead. Both of them didn't really like Fiona's other friends. They thought her friends were a bit strange. They were both staring over to them. One girl, whose name is Kaitlyn Lipe, was laughing at a first year who tripped. She had dirty blonde hair with glasses. She was a third year and a lot of girls either wanted to be her or were scared of her.

It wasn't the first year's fault that she tripped. Fiona's other friend, her name was Marcy Impela, put her foot out to make her trip. She had brunette hair and was a second year, same as us. "Did you know, Marcy and Fiona have been friends since before they came to Hogwarts but Fiona hangs out more with you and me so Marcy is forced to hang out with Kaitlyn?" Damon said as they were staring at the trio.

Naomi looked at Damon surprised on how he knew that information. "Really? Poor Marcy, it's no wonder why she's like that then. I heard she used to be so sweet and kind. But Fiona was always how she is now." Naomi explained. She didn't know much about their past lifes but she still knew some stuff. "The Gryffindors are sleeping in the Great Hall tonight. Sirius Black is somewhere in the Castle."

Damon quickly looked at Naomi. He had a concered look in his eyes. "Really? Yo-you don't expect him to come get us Slytherin's do you?" His voice was a little shakey.

"Nah we're good. If anything I'll help him out. You know to get Potter." Naomi smirked looking back to Fiona and her friends. They were quite an interesting group.

"If you're gonna help, then I'll help." Damon went back to looking at Fiona as well.



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