The Diary

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"Did you hear what happened to Potter?" Damon asked Naomi.

"No?" She shook her head in response.

"Someone destroyed his stuff looking for some sort of Diary." Fiona explained to her. Naomi was shocked by this information. As they were walking the corridors getting ready to go to charms class Naomi had seen Ginny with a book. She recognized it as the book her father put in the cauldron. Naomi told Damon and Fiona to go say hi to Ginny so they did.

"Hey Ginny." Naomi said. Ginny looked at her and hid the book behind her back.

"Hey guys. I haven't talked to you in awhile Damon, what happened?" She asked looking over to the only boy. He just shrugged and didn't say anything.

"This is our friend Fiona." Naomi introduced the two of them. Ginny gave her a nice smile but Fiona didn't return it. Fiona looked at her funny, as if Ginny wasn't 'cool' enough for her.

"We have to get to class. Let's go." Fiona said blandly.

"Oh ok, I'll see you guys there. I'm going to stay with Ginny for now." Naomi said looking over to Ginny. Naomi gave Ginny a hug. "We also haven't talked in a while." She nervously chuckled.

"Yea. I've missed talking to you, but on the bright side I've made some new friends. You should meet them. Neville may seem a little afraid of you at first because of your brother but Luna will definitely like you." Ginny explained to Naomi.

"I would love to meet them." Naomi said. She was going to ask about the book thought it wasn't the right moment for that. They got to class just in time. Ginny hid the book in her bag that she carried around with her for classes. Naomi also had a bag for her school books and quills.

In charms they weren't going to be practicing enchainments just yet. They had to read chapter 2 in the book 'The Standard Book of Spells.'  They were learning about the softening charm. They couldn't really do much spells since it's only the first year of Hogwarts so they only practiced the simple spells like the levitating charm.

At the end of the class she let Damon and Fiona know that she's going to go with Ginny again. They both looked at each other with a weird look on their faces. Ginny was also confused on why Naomi was hanging out with her again.

They were walking towards the great hall to do the homework Professor Flitwick assigned to them. They had to do a worksheet based on where the source of power comes from so that he can get an idea of where everyone's head is at. "So um Ginny what was that book that you had earlier?" Naomi asked.

Ginny didn't look at her. "Oh just a book I found." She said nervously. Naomi obviously didn't believe her.

"Can I see it?" She asked. Ginny looked at her abruptly but took the book out and gave it to her. Naomi opened it to see nothing but empty pages. She closed the book and turned it around. It had the name Tom Marvolo Riddle. Naomi had heard that name before but she didn't know where she heard it. "Ginny..where did you get this book?" Naomi asked.

"You can't tell anyone." She said looking around. She made Naomi promise not to tell anyone and Ginny agreed to tell her. They grabbed all their stuff and left the great hall. Ginny took her to one of the girls bathrooms. There were two girls in there washing their hands. They were Hufflepuffs. They seemed to also be having a secret conversation seeing as they stopped talking as soon as they saw Ginny and Naomi. They also left the bathroom leaving the two girls alone.

"Ok, so what's up with this book?" Naomi asked. Ginny didn't answer her question and told her to get a quill and ink out, so she did.

"Write, 'my name is Naomi Malfoy'." Ginny told her. Naomi was a bit confused but did as she said. The writing had disappeared. Naomi was in shock she opened her mouth to ask a question but writing appeared that said their name is Tom Riddle.

"How, who, what??" Naomi bombarded Ginny with questions.

"I know it's cool! But it's dangerous we have to get rid of it and we have to make sure no one finds it. I tried throwing it away once but someone else found it.." Ginny explained to her.

"You went through Harry's stuff!" Naomi said surprised. She didn't know what was going on and the worst part of it was that she had promised to not tell anyone. Naomi keeps her promises no matter what.

"Yes..but this diary is dangerous." Ginny continued to say. Naomi tried to keep asking how it's dangerous but Ginny wouldn't give in. Naomi gave up on asking and decided to trust Ginny. They walked out of the bathroom without the book. They decided to throw it in the trash where no one would even dare to look through.


A couple of days later she was walking to the Quidditch fields to watch the game with Damon and Ginny. They had decided they wanted to hang out with just the three of them since it's been two months since they've hung out with just the three of them. "Quidditch has been cancelled back to the grounds." McGonagall told everyone.

"That's rubbish." Naomi heard Fred and George. She was walking back with Damon and Ginny and saw the Gryffindor team go past them. Naomi didn't even think about telling them as she was too busy talking to her friends about it. She didn't even think to tell Draco about it.

Naomi saw McGonagall and Harry talking to Ron about something in the She got up to go ask why the game was cancelled but they had left. She decided to follow them to see where they were going. They had gone to the infirmary. It was a little hard for Naomi to see who it was without being caught but she did it. She saw Hermione on the bed with her arm up. She had been attacked. "Merlin's beard..." She whispered to herself as she ran to the Slytherin common room.

The only person in there that she was friends with was Fiona and she couldn't tell her about it. She ran up to her dorm and to her luck she was alone. She herself had her own diary. Her diary was black with a bunch of stickers on it. The stickers were of her favorite Quidditch team, Slytherin stickers, and stickers of quotes. She opened it up and started writing about what she had just been told.

 She opened it up and started writing about what she had just been told

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