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Naomi was on the train going back to Platform 9 3/4. She was sitting in a compartment with the two friends she had made that year. She had wanted to invite Ginny to sit with her but she didn't think Ginny or her new friends would get along. Damon and Ginny had gotten along in the beginning of the year but Damon changed and Fiona definitely would not like Ginny. They had met once and Fiona had given her a dirty looks so Naomi decided it was best for them not to meet again.

Naomi had also met Ginny's friends. Luna and Neville. They were super kind to her. They just didn't hang out much often. Naomi was looking out the window while Damon and Fiona were talking about what they were going to do over the Summer. "You will write to us won't you?" Fiona said looking at Naomi.

"Oh, yea." She said plainly. Of course they didn't pay much attention about the way she had been acting. They never did. Naomi also hadn't noticed that they didn't pay attention since she wasn't even sure what was wrong or if it was noticeable.

A couple of hours later they had finally made it to the Platform. They grabbed their stuff and got off the train. They were on Platform 9 3/4. There was a bunch of parents waiting for their kids and some had already gotten their kids. Naomi, Damon, and Fiona were off to the side by themselves. "Well, I guess I'll see you when I see you." Damon said as he walked away. Fiona did the same. Naomi was left just standing there looking for Draco and her parents.

Naomi jumped as she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned around to see her mother and father. She smiled at them both, Narcissa just gave her a small smile as Lucius only looked at her. "Where is your brother?" Her dad asked.

"I dunno. I was waiting for him here." She explained. Lucius just hummed in response. They were waiting for awhile until they saw Draco. Narcissa called him over and they saw him say goodbye to his friends as he walked over.

"You'll never believe the year we just had." He said walking up to his family. On the way back to their car he told their parents everything that happened. He was still going on about the year as they were driving away. No one was really listening to him but Naomi. Even then she was barely listening to him since she already knew everything that happened.

Once he was finished Naomi spoke. "Dad. I have a question." He didn't respond so she asked her question. "Did you put the diary in Ginny's cauldron?" Lucius came to a harsh stop. Luckily they were at a stop-light.

He turned his head to look at her in the eyes. "HOW DARE YOU ACCUSE ME OF SOMETHING LIKE THAT!!" He shouted at her. Narcissa flinched a little and Draco just looked out the window. This didn't affect Naomi. He's always shouting at her. For no reason. It's no secret that her dad didn't want a girl and favors Draco. It used to hurt her but after 11 years of it, she got used to it.

"Sorry." She immediately apologized and no one spoke the rest of the car ride home.


Once they got home Naomi and Draco had started walking towards the door with a small luggage but then someone cleared their throats. They turned around to see the trunk open with their stuff in it. They had forgotten that they didn't have a house elf to help anymore. The two of them went to grab the rest of their stuff. They were struggling a bit but they managed to do it in one trip.

After unpacking Naomi went to Draco's room. He was already done and laying in his bed. His room was bigger than hers. She never complained though because she had a big room as well and he was older. He has a kind sized bed. She went to sit next him on his bed. He sat up allowing her to rest her head on his shoulder. This was a normal thing. They usually just sat in silence. It was comforting to them.

Naomi had fallen asleep. Draco didn't want to move thinking it would wake her up so he fell asleep with her. They were a great pair of siblings but would never in a million years let others know it. (Well Draco wouldn't.)

"Draco! Naomi! Dinner's ready!" Narcissa called from downstairs. Naomi woke up rubbing her eyes. They hadn't been asleep for long. It had only been almost two hours. She looked over to see Draco asleep with his mouth wide open. She laughed at him causing him to wake up.

"Oh shut it will you." He said throwing a pillow at her. She rolled her eyes and told him dinner was ready. They went downstairs to eat.


They only had a month left of vacation when Naomi and Draco heard their father talking about Harry Potter. This was going to be Naomi's second year at Hogwarts while it was Draco's third. "He blew up his aunt and got no consequence! Just because he's the 'chosen one'." Lucius was telling Narcissa. Draco and Naomi didn't speak as they waited for their mom's response but they didn't hear one. They walked back to the hallway.

"Stupid Pottah. It's so not fair he never gets in trouble. Dumbledore even awards him for his troubleness." Draco started rambling about it.

"It's called favoritism. Welcome to my world." Naomi told him. He looked at her like 'damn'. They were walking towards their backyard to play some Quidditch. Naomi was thinking about trying out for the Slytherin team to be a chaser but was sure of it yet. Draco was on board with this. Any chance he got to help her practice Quidditch he would take it.

"Here." Draco said tossing her, her broomstick. She had a Nimbus 2000. Her dad said she didn't need the new one so she got Draco's old broom. They didn't have hoops or anything so they had a specific way of playing. They did luckily have a Quidditch set. They would make lines in the dirt showing them where the quaffle has to pass in order for it to be a point. They weren't allowed to use the bludgers since there was no adult or team captain to help. The snitch was Draco's thing. He would let it fly and while he was looking for it he was also trying to take the Quaffle away from Naomi so she wouldn't score any points.

They were outside playing for about three hours until it was time for them to go inside.


It was finally time for them to go back to Hogwarts. Naomi was super excited seeing as her first year at Hogwarts was good. She didn't like the studying much but she also didn't mind it. The summer had been a handful because they didn't have a house-elf to help them wash clothes and clean dishes. Although Narcissa was able to wash the dishes with magic.

They had finished putting their stuff in the car and went to take a seat. As they were driving to Platform 9 3/4 Lucius started to speak. It was a bit confusing to Naomi and Draco since he was the one who would usually tell everyone to stop talking while he was driving.

"Things might get a little hectic this year at Hogwarts. I want you both to be careful and not do anything stupid." He told them keeping his eyes straight towards the road.

Draco and Naomi gave each other suspicious looks before Draco spoke. "What's going to happen?" He asked and to his surprise his father replied.

"Sirius Black has escaped from Azkaban. As you both know, he is your mother's cousin. Now I'm sure he hasn't escaped for you but for Harry Potter. I still need you both to watch out." Naomi didn't like this information very much.

"Why is he going after Harry?" Naomi asked. She got no response. She was used to this. The rest of the ride was quiet.

 The rest of the ride was quiet

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