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Today is my birthday.

My birthday. The most awkward day of the entire year. Do I have a reason to act so weird? No I don't. I've never really seen my own birthday as something worth celebrating. Mainly because I didn't have many friends growing up and that I didn't really have any family. Of course I had uncle Seb, but he was mostly away racing or preparing for a race during my past birthdays.

Waking up today was inexplicably difficult, as if an invisible weight clung to me, urging me to stay in bed all day. However, I mustered the willpower to rise, understanding that procrastination would only prolong the inevitable.

Now, I find myself nestled on the cozy couch, graciously responding to the flood of birthday wishes and expressing my great fullness to those who remembered. Taking a proactive approach, I decide to engage more with my followers and viewers, making an effort to respond to their messages.

My phone, with lots of missed calls, beckons for my attention. Friends from back home, Lando, Max, Carlos, and even some of the WAGS - have reached out. I suddenly find myself embarked on a return-call marathon.

Surprisingly, my closest friend Sofia, currently engrossed in an African project, makes the effort to dial my number. Her familiar voice greets me with a lively, "GRATTIS MIN LILLA MYRA" (Happy Birthday, my little ant). Laughter erupts from me, and I express my gratitude before we settle into a comfortable conversation. Talking to Sofia always brings happiness; her presence feels like a warm embrace, and I yearn for her to be by my side every day.

As the day unfolds, Lando initiates a FaceTime group call, assembling a motley crew of friends - him, Max, Carlos, Daniel, and Alex A. No Charles. Daniel, the first to answer, beams and offers his birthday wishes, to which I respond with a heartfelt "thank you, Danny boy." Soon, the others join in, harmoniously serenading me with a rendition of "Happy Birthday." Holding up my phone, I can't help but smile; their camaraderie is a cherished gift in itself.

After the euphoric chorus fades, I convey my gratitude, and we dive into a lively conversation. Just as the banter reaches its peak, George's face pops up on Alex's screen, questioning his exclusion. Playfully, I direct George to Lando, who's the mastermind behind the call. Lando, somewhat sheepishly denies , and we all share a laugh before George becomes part of the virtual gathering.

Amidst the chit-chat, my friends inquire about my plans for the day. I disclose my intention to enjoy brunch with friends and later head to a bar with Kika and Leila. Their well-wishes resound once more, and as I prepare to conclude the call, Lando playfully teases about forthcoming presents. Blushing and feeling slightly awkward, I thank them once again and bid my farewells.

With a lingering smile from the heartfelt call, I rise and prepare to meet up with the girls I had the pleasure of meeting during a recent photo shoot. The connection we share feels like old friends reunited, and I eagerly anticipate our upcoming get-together.

Selecting the perfect outfit for brunch proves to be a formidable task - not too casual, yet not overly formal. After an hour of careful consideration, I settle on an off-white set. Finally, I step out of the house, ready to finally get out of the house.

Brunch was a delightful experience, and I relished the opportunity to forge new connections and expand my circle of female friends in Monaco. It felt like a breath of fresh air.

Returning home, I barely had a moment to settle before an unmistakable, thunderous knock reverberated through my door. Kika. She had a unique talent for knocking like an absolute maniac. As I swung the door open, I greeted her with a playful, "Hello to you too." Her face lit up with sheer excitement as she exclaimed, "Ahhh, there is the birthday girl!" We both burst into laughter, and I pulled her in for a warm hug.

Kika and I had crossed paths during a photoshoot, and she had proven to be one of the sweetest souls I'd ever met. However, as she scanned my outfit, her expression shifted into one of mock seriousness. With a determined glint in her eye, she declared that I needed a wardrobe change. I, on the other hand, saw nothing wrong with what I was wearing. Thus began a spirited back-and-forth argument over my attire.

Just when our debate seemed never-ending, Leila arrived, a welcome sight. With her calming presence, we reached a consensus, and I reluctantly agreed to don a black satin dress that Kika had chosen from my closet. It was a compromise, but I couldn't deny their enthusiasm.

Finally ready, the three of us embarked on our journey into the city, heading to a vibrant club or bar. Before we could step inside, Kika insisted on capturing the moment with a series of impromptu photos. We obliged, snapping shots that would serve as cherished mementos of the night.

Today is actually my birthday!!! So the reader gets to have my bday lol. Anyways I write this in like 15 min. With no proofread and it's now 05:56 AM. I'm gonna sleep and read this through again tomorrow :)

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