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Max's announcement as a 3-time world champion filled me with joy, prompting me to send him heartfelt congratulations and words of encouragement. The boys are back from the Qatar Gp and don't have the next race week for another two weeks.

Currently, I'm on my way home after spending the morning at the studio. As I approach the building, I contemplate whether I should approach Charles. Our friendship has felt strained in recent weeks, and I can't pinpoint the cause. After a few minutes of reflection, I decide to go for it. Instead of pressing 3 in the elevator, I press 5, heading up to his floor.

Standing in front of Charles apartment, nervousness creeps in. I've been here for a few minutes, debating if this is a good idea. What if he doesn't want to be friends anymore? What if he's tired of me? Shaking those thoughts away, I finally knock on the door. Charles opens it, eyes widening. "Maya? What are you doing here?" I instantly regret my decision. "I want to talk to you, Charles," I say. "Well, come in," he replies, and we make our way to the sofas.

"Sit down," he instructs, and I follow suit. Contemplating what to say, I decide to be direct. "Charles, have I done something?" He looks confused, asking, "What do you mean?" "Is it that you don't want to be my friend anymore?" I say. "What? No, Maya, who said that?" he replies.

"No one; you're just not talking to me. You barely wished me a happy birthday, answered my messages with one word, and barely talked to me at the party last week." Charles sighs, admitting, "Honestly, I thought you didn't need me now that your friendship with Max is fixed."

My eyes widen. "Why would you think that, Charles? You're my best friend; I would never just leave you like that." He's quiet and says, "Now I feel stupid. I'm sorry, Maya. My insecurities got the best of me, and I thought it would be better to distance myself from you first before you leave me in the dark." "Charles, I would never" I reassure him
You're like family to me and one of the most important people in my life." He smiles and says, "I'm sorry." "You don't need to apologize for this. Things happen; I just want my best friend back." "Well, he's back," he says, and I can't help but laugh. I open up my arms for a quick hug, and he leans in. "Thank you for this, Maya," he says. "No problems, Perceval," I reply, earning a smack on the forehead.

After catching up with Charles, I tell him I'll see him later and make my way to my apartment. Upon opening the door to my apartment, I find Lando comfortably seated on my sofa. "Here she is, the owner of the house," he declares, rising to greet me. Perplexed, I question, "How did you get in, Lan?" He reveals  the keys I gave Charles fro emergencies, dangling them before me. "Still have the keys Charles gave me. I wanted to return them to you," he explains. Nodding my thanks, I hug him in greeting, and we both head to the sofa. Before sitting down, the discomfort of my shoes strikes, prompting me to declare, "Give me a minute; I'll be back." Changing into something more comfortable, I hear Lando's exclamation from the living room, "Max is here."

Putting on a sweater and pants, I return to find Lando in the kitchen, and Max leaning on the island. Max greets me with a smile and open arms. Hugging him, I reciprocate with a simple "hi." The hug lingers, unexpected but strangely comfortable. Reluctantly breaking apart, Max and I exchange words. "So, how's the three-time world champion feeling?" I inquire, to which he playfully laughs off humility. Seated in the kitchen, Max's attire catches my attention. "Why so dressed? What's the occasion?" I ask, puzzled. Max, equally confused, looks at me, and Lando, realizing his omission, admits, "Lando didn't tell you." confused, I turn to Lando, who sheepishly explains, "I forgot to tell you; I really thought I did." Uninformed, I ask, "Tell me what?" Lando reveals, "We got invited to a club for Max's celebration." Accepting the invitation, I agree, "Well, I'm down." Lando expresses relief and continues eating the grapes he found in my fridge.

I make my way to the living room, with both of them behind me. We settle on the sofa, watching random true crime videos on YouTube. Soon, Lando declares a nap and heads to my bedroom, sprinting with exuberance. Max and I share laugh at Lando's silliness and continue our YouTube binge.

Lando retreated to my bedroom for a nap, leaving Max and me in a cocoon of quietude. A subtle tension lingers in the air, and my senses heighten as Max discreetly maneuvers his arm around me. The soft touch sends a flutter through my stomach, and I choose the unspoken, allowing my head to find a resting place on his shoulder.

In this intimate silence, the weight of Max's fingers traces a delicate pattern up and down my arm, setting loose a cascade of giddy sensations within me. The butterflies dance as his touch, both tender and reassuring. Our attention remains fixed on the flickering images on the TV, a façade for the unspoken language between us.

As I bask in the quiet warmth, I can feel Max's gaze on me. When our eyes finally meet, a knowing smile plays on his lips, reciprocated by my own. In this uncharted space, the language of shared glances and subtle touches speaks volumes, weaving a chapter of connection that transcends words.

The next chapter is gonna be a continuation of this day when they go out :)

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