Left alone

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After one year and a half of staying together in the same dorm, the nine boys were really close one to another. They were used to sharing everything with each other, because they knew the others wouldn't judge them, still Chan was so protective about his 'little' secret. He didn't want anyone else except for Woojin to know. Sometimes, the boy would even regret telling Woojin, cursing his little side for wanting another hyung. The leader didn't need to wait much for his dilemma to be solved though.

Some random girl posted an accuse on social medias, accusing Woojin of things that the eight boys living with him couldn't think of even associating with the oldest. However, even though Woojin defended himself, it wasn't enough. The agency soon told him to leave the group, leaving everyone heartbroken and powerless against this decision. Chan, especially, was desperate. Yes, he preferred the oldest not knowing his secret but now that he knew, he couldn't go. And, little side aside, they debuted in nine, so Chan thought and hoped they would stay nine. However, the boy had to learn that in just one day things can change forever for you.

The night before Woojin's departure, the oldest was heartbroken to see Chan zoning out, curled in his bed looking at nothing in particular. The older was sitting on his bed watching him. Minho's bed was on the other side, but the dancer was already in deep sleep, so Woojin was sure he wouldn't wake up soon. Lightly tapping Chan's shoulder, Woojin brought him back to reality and asked him what was going on.

"Dunno" whispered Chan, stuck in between little space and big space. The poor boy was so confused, everything happened so quickly around him and it made him feel powerless, even if he was the leader.

"It's ok. Do you feel small?" inquired Woojin. He hoped to understand it from the boy's speech, but he could barely hear what the younger said.

Chan just shrugged.

"Come on ducky, it's my last night here with you. Don't you wanna give Woo hyung a hug?" asked Woojin, his heart breaking at the last sentence.

When the younger finally interiorized what his hyung was saying, he lost it. Crying, the boy slipped completely and searched comfort in Woojin's arms, that the vocalist quickly provided, scooping the little in a giant hug while trying to find the boy's pacifier. Once he found it, he offered it to the little, who started to suckle on it slowly.

"That's my good boy" praised Woojin with a smile. That caused Chan to smile too, even though he couldn't understand a word of what his caregiver said. He was far too young to understand, his emotions pushing him to an almost newborn age.

Seeing this, Woojin decided to prepare him a bottle, however, he knew it was risky. What if one member was in the kitchen? How could he possibly react seeing the oldest with a baby bottle in his hands? An impatient whine brought the vocalist back to reality.

"Shh, ducky, I'm here" reassured Woojin before picking up the little and placing him on his hip, before swaying them both side to side attempting to calm down the boy.

"Let's go, hyungie will make you some milk. Milk" repeated slowly Woojin to make sure Chan would understand. 

"Miwk" confirmed the younger, slurring the word due to his tiredness.

"Yes, that's right! Milk for this little ducky" smiled the oldest carrying Chan to the kitchen after grabbing a baby bottle for the younger boy. 

Luckily no one was there except them, so Woojin made Chan sit on the counter before pouring some milk in the bottle and placing it in the microwave. While the milk heated up, Woojin tried his best to entertain the little with a little game of peek-a-boo. The boy giggled adorably, so the oldest continued to do it until the milk was ready.

The little was still giggling when they returned to their room, so Woojin tried to quiet him down, worried that he would wake Minho up.

"As much as I love hearing your laughter, Minmin is sleeping, and we don't want to wake him up, do we?" asked the older to the boy still in his arms. Chan tilted his head to the side, not understanding what his caregiver was saying.

"It's ok baby" smiled fondly the oldest looking at the little's clueless face.

As soon as the little finished his bottle he was really sleepy, however he didn't want to close his eyes. He was scared of Woojin leaving him during the night.

"No, ducky, it's bed time" insisted Woojin seeing how much the little was fighting to keep his eyes open.

"Bu' Woo weawes" protested Chan before letting out a cute, small yawn. Adorable, thought the oldest.

"Woo needs to leave baby..." he didn't want to lie to the little. Even if it hurted both of them.

"Woo stay" pouted the little. 

"Woo will give you a goodbye kissie, darling, so you will always remember me. Ok?" smiled sadly Woojin. The little agreed, even if he didn't know what he needed to do. As much as he didn't want to, his eyelids felt so heavy that keeping them open was too hard for the boy.

"Ok then, lay down baby" Woojin helped Chan laying down before doing the same, hugging the leader while pecking him all over himsface, making the younger giggle despite his tiredness.

"Hyung loves you so so much Channie" whispered Woojin to the boy next to him, who was already dozing off.

"Channie wuws dada too" managed to slur the little before falling asleep completely.


Woojin dada? I'm so soft don't touch me TT

Also, from now on Woojin won't be in the book anymore. But maybe he will be mentioned so don't start attacking me. Anyways, maybe you noticed that at the start of this chapter my writing style was different. But towards the end it was back to normal. Idk what happened either. I just have so many things to do these days, I don't even know how I managed to finish this chapter tbh 

Hope you enjoyed it! Byee

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