Finally out

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The other members were watching TV when Felix returned with the leader in his arms. Not even bothering to look their way, Hyunjin shouted from the living room.

"Lix, did you find him?"

Chan got startled by his friend's loud voice and teared up, while Felix tried to calm him down offering him his pacifier. The little took it and put it in his mouth, starting to suck on it, while the dancer let out a sigh of relief.

"Yes, but he was asleep so I brought him here. You almost woke him up by yelling, so I'm gonna lay him in bed before he wakes up completely" lied Felix, already carrying the little to his room.

Once in the safety of the leader's locked room, Felix laid the boy on his bed. Chan watched curiously his hyung stretch his arms, tired from carrying him from the studio to the dorm. Felix noticed the little staring and smiled.

"What is hyungie doing, hm?" asked the dancer with a sweet smile.

"Hyungie funny!" giggled Chan, clapping his hands.

Felix squealed, loving his hyung's cute side.

"You're so cute Channie! Why did you hide this side of you from hyungies?" smiled the dancer.

The little pouted, before whispering something. Felix didn't catch that, so he asked the boy to repeat himself, which he did, with a slightly higher volume.

"Channie nuh supposed to be smaww cause he's da weader"

Those words stabbed Felix's heart, who felt his eyes fill up with tears.

"Don't worry Channie, it's okay. You can be small whenever you want with us. We can even take care of you if you want. But please don't hide your emotions anymore, alright?"

Chan nodded and wrapped his arms around his friend, curling himself in the dancer's arms while the mentally older boy engulfed him in a giant hug, succeeding in making the little feel even smaller.

"Hyungie?" called the other after a minute, pulling out from the hug.

"Yes kangaroo?"

"C-Can we go wif the other hyungies pwease?" asked the little shyly, feeling strangely fuzzy after Felix's new nickname.

Felix cooed and smiled, picking up the little.

"Are you sure baby? Are you okay with them knowing?" frowned Felix doubtfully, knowing how the leader preferred to not let his friends know about his struggles.

Chan thought about it. Was he okay with it? A week ago, he would've said no, too scared of the other members thinking he wasn't a good enough leader, but he trusted Felix when he said the others wouldn't mind his little side and maybe they could even care for him sometimes. In the end he nodded, making grabby hands to his friend.

Felix complied, picking the little up and placing him on his hip. Chan wrapped his legs around the older's torso and snuggled in his friend's neck, making him chuckle.

"Okay, here we go" smiled Felix, carrying the leader towards the living room. To say the members were shocked to see their leader with a pacifier in his mouth being carried by Felix would be an understatement. The six boys just froze, too stunned to say anything. Chan bursted into tears and hid his face in Felix's neck, anxious by the tense atmosphere in the room.

Everyone rushed to the little's side, trying to calm him down while the two maknaes ran away. Jeongin went to his room to grab his baby bottle and his FoxI.Ny plushie (the same one Chaeryeong gifted him when he had ran to Itzy's dorm), while Seungmin retrieved a juice box and some animal crackers from the kitchen. The two returned about at the same time, Jeongin quickly handed the leader the plushie, who started to chew on it's ears, calming down significantly, altough small hiccups sometimes could be heard.

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