Tea 2

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So uh hey peeps...

This is not the angst chapter promised but I have been in major writers block lately. I am waiting for that inspiration and motivation to come back to me and I'm sure it will soon. I want to keep writing don't get me wrong but just finding the inspiration is the hardest part.

So here is Tea Time part 2 another short fluffy (somewhat) one

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Aurora x Reader

Trigger Warnings
-sweating maybe





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Here we go~

I hold my head for a second looking around at the mess for a second before chasing after her. No way I was getting caught amongst this wreak.

I listen for the sound of her bare feet running across the halls, running after her once I found the noise. She was heading outside, great just great! Hopefully it's not too cold as ofcourse I was going to chase her. This stupid ghoulette.

It's not long before I've nearly caught her, being just behind her to see the door swing shut behind her. I see the flash of her tail flicking out of the door letting me know she's a multi ghoulette. ((I'm gonna be honest I don't know much about her so please let me know if this is wrong)).

I go out right after her having to use my nose now to find her with the soft grass leaving no noise. That and her footprints that are very obvious. What was she thinking? Seriously?!?

With the tracks leading to her I completely stop running, simply walking and taking my time. No point wasting my energy if it's no worry of losing her. With my hands in my pockets I walk along the path somewhat enjoying the early sun and smell of fresh rain. I notice that the path she's taking leads to the Ministry's lake, she wasn't planning on hiding in there was she?

My question is soon answered when I see her sitting on the edge of the dock with a lidded cup in hand. She isn't very tall, smaller than Dewdrop which is a surprise. She looks pretty young actually, her cape hanging off her shoulder along with her mask resting beside her. So she was apart of the Ghost project. And all that mess... was for a single tea...

With knowing she was a higher up I was about to turn around and head back to bed until she spotted me. Her eyes widened giving me the feeling she presumed I had given up chasing her. She placed her tea down, pulling her helmet back on in a haste and five down into the dark water below. So apart of her must be water.

I just stare at where she disappeared waiting for her to resurface. I waited about 5 minutes, taking a seat on the grass, before seeing two, rose goldish eyes pop out. They are really pretty actually...

We stare at eachother for the second time that day. I can see her hair float up from under her mask, her cape not far behind as she slowly comes up. Her clothes are drenched and I can see she is cold but it doesn't seem to bother her as she without breaking eye contact grabs her tea and take a drink. For Satan's sake...


"What I'm thristy!" I wasn't expecting her to reply but she did and fiercely as well. She removed her helmet already soaked anyway. "Gah this is your fault!"

"Mine? How is it mine!?! You are the one who was so impatient and couldn't wait that little longer so a stupid tea!" I wave my hands around back on my feet and walking over to the dock. "You are the one who woke me up with all your clashing and banging!"

"Sounds like a you problem if you ask me..."

"Hey I heard that you little bitch!"

"Suck it up champ!"

I let out a growl and she does one right back. I know she would very likely beat me in a fight. I knew she was a multi ghoul and part water at that but I had no idea her other side. I let my claws out slightly ready to pounce but never getting the chance.

"AURORA! Leave that poor ghoul/ghoulette alone right now! And say sorry!" I turn around, spotting Sunshine in the tree line.

"Gahhh! Sorry Sis!" So she was her sister, that makes sense.

She makes her way over to us steeping inbetween before a fight could happen.

"I'm so sorry about her y/n, she's new and clearly doesn't know her place" I can hear the slight growl at the end pointed at who I now presumed to be Aurora. "I will make sure she cleans her mess and takes extra time in the kitchen to help for her damages" Aurora was bright red in the face, water sadly dripping off her.

"It's alright Sunny, as long as she has learnt some kind of lesson by the end" I give her a smile and look back at Aurora who was looking at the water ready to dive in again.

"Anything to say... Sis~"

"... I'm sorry... y/n" she grits through her teeth without looking at me.

"Good girl, now get inside and warm up, stupid kit..." Once she was gone Sunshine continues on, "again sorry about her, I have to leave soon for family business back in hell so she will be filling in for me just for a while."

"It's alright, sleep is sleep I can go back to it later. I can uh, keep an eye on her for you after you leave if you want" I offer, that way she hopefully wouldn't get in too much trouble again.

"Thanks y/n, I will take you up on that one"

I let out a laugh wondering what I have gotten myself into as we walk back to the church together. "You can keep her out of trouble for now though"

"Will do, get some rest aswell, got a big dinner coming up"

"Thanks sun, see you soon" with a wave I walk off back to my room, this is going to be interesting.

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I really hope this chapter is ok, it's kinda a backstory for Aurora and sunshine, filled with some head canons aswell. I will now do an updated head canons chapter for Aurora and Phantom and maybe the new possible ghoul(etes) from the new ritual. I do t know much about em but if I learn more it's very possible.

Anyway have a good day or night and don't forget to vote and/or comment

Seeya x


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