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𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄... you and Miles have been best friends for as long as you can remember. When you two were still in diapers, to be exact. And over the years that you've known him, you couldn't help but grow feelings for him. One day when he was over at your dorm room (you had to sneak him in there since boys aren't allowed to be in the girls' rooms), you two can study by making flashcards for an upcoming physics exam.

However, in the middle of it, you notice that Miles had something else on his mind because he was only giving you half of his attention. You ignore it at first, but it soon gets in the way of your guys' studying, so you slowly start to wrap things up, saying that you two will 'just have to continue it another time'. That is before Miles gently grabs a hold of one of your wrists.

You stop what you're doing and look up at him with wide eyes. He smiled bashfully and quickly let go of your arm, realizing that he probably shouldn't have done that. He looked nervous though. You asked if everything was alright and he reassured you with a small nod of his head, pursing his lips together. A silence— an almost uncomfortable silence— embraced both of you.

You, trying to break it, opened your mouth to say something but Miles beat you to it. And, as luck would have it, he ended up asking you right then and there if he could be your boyfriend. Yes, he did stutter a lot when doing so, but you can't blame him: he's never asked anyone that before (and you've never had someone ask). But who are you kidding? You said yes!

 But who are you kidding? You said yes!

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