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𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄... you were one of the Spider-People that wound up in Earth-1610 due to King Pin's machine (which was capable of breaching parallel realities in hopes of reuniting with another version of his family and acknowledging the potential dangers it could have without bothering). In your short time in this parallel universe, you became very close with Miles.

Everyone could see it, Peter and Noir especially, but none of them decided to say anything for the sake of not making things awkward. However, when it was finally time for you to return to your home, you began to have second thoughts. You almost didn't want to go because you knew you'd be leaving Miles behind.

So, you told him straight up that you didn't want to go—his universe is so different from yours, and what if you end up forgetting about him? To the question part, Miles has this to say:

So, you told him straight up that you didn't want to go—his universe is so different from yours, and what if you end up forgetting about him? To the question part, Miles has this to say:

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