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𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄... it is your birthday and unbeknownst to you, Miles and his parents were throwing a special surprise party just for you. However, this could only mean one thing: Miles had to act like he didn't know that it was your birthday despite it being the hot topic of discussion in not only his household but yours as well.

He felt bad the entire day, acting like a fool and pretending like he didn't see the disappointment flash across your face after trying to give Miles several hints that it was your special day, it seemed like none of them were sticking (or so you thought).

As his parents and a few other people were focused on setting up decorations, food, and music, Miles was on cake duty. They had to make sure everything was perfect. Miles had to text you to meet up at the specific location (and you luckily fell for it) and when you did, you nearly cried tears of joy at the sight of the party. You were relieved too. Still... you will most likely be talking about Miles about his whole 'pretending that it wasn't your birthday' act since it did upset your feelings.

 you will most likely be talking about Miles about his whole 'pretending that it wasn't your birthday' act since it did upset your feelings

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