Chapter 3- Acquaintances

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      Double updates?

    No matter how hard I tried to push the myriad thoughts to the back of my mind, it all proved futile. It was bugging.
   What if all that the lady told us at the parking lot was true? We had cut her off, considering the confidentiality of her proposition. However, it was all starting to make sense now. Second Lieutenant Garba couldn't have communicated with me in the same setting or space as the enemy. That would be a stupid move.

     I glanced at the digital clock that sat on my bedside table, taking note of the time; 10:44 p.m. My attempt to go to bed early for my own sake was proving futile. In the stillness of the night, my eyes drifted back to the ceiling, which seemed to hold a bit of importance due to the fact that I had been staring at it for a while. Throwing the thick duvet off my body, I sat up on my bed and reached for my phone that was charging on the nightstand.

     Answers. That was what I needed at the moment.
It took a while to adjust my eyes to the brightness of my phone, as my room was as dark as ever.
    In no time, I dialed Fahad's number, waiting for it to get connected. I tapped my foot impatiently on the tiled floor as I waited. He picked up on the very third ring.

   "Ranka ya dade," he called in a groggy voice. I must have woken him up from sleep. Nevertheless, it was good because his view would be very much appreciated.

   " Fahad, wake up!" I almost yelled.

   "Na'am. I'm awake."

    Getting his cue, I then decided to tell him why l had to call him that late.
   " The lady we met today," I began. "You recall what she told us?"

  "Yes," he answered. "Second lieutenant couldn't have done what she was insinuating. Under your unit? You know this can't be possible. It probably has to do with your scheme."

    He kept on rambling to set my heart at ease, although most of what he wasn't making sense. One could tell that he was gradually drifting back to sleep.
   This man.

  " Fahad," I called, without receiving a response. He was asleep. Getting no response for the second time, I ended the call and laid back in bed. Everything was silent again. The room was cold according to my preferences.
   Would it be right to ignore my intuition? I was probably "thinking above my capacity", as Lieutenant General Shagari would say.

   I had tried my best not to think about the not-so-Nigerian-looking woman who spoke good Hausa. Nana would die to hear her speak. I couldn't help the chuckle that escaped my lips. And the way Ameer was eager to let him hold her... that was a betrayal.

   Thankfully, my eyelids started to grow heavy, signifying that sleep was beckoning me. I welcomed it with open hands, as it was much needed.

      The next morning began with a monotonous routine. I was beginning to miss the barracks. Pray fajr at dawn, hit the gym for half an hour, freshen up, and get down for breakfast. Today was no different. I chose to wear a light blue thobe which Mama got for me from her recent visit to Saudi.

    There was a light knock on the door, making me turn to it from the vanity, where I was fixing my cuffs. A warm smile made its way into my face the very moment the door opened, revealing my mother. Her smile fell when she took a glance at my room, with her gaze especially lingering on the windows that were sealed with dark curtains. She was always hellbent on opening windows every morning, but I wasn't keen on that at all.
     She walked to the windows and peeled the curtains off to one side.

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