Chapter 12- Last days

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   Something was going on within this unit, right under our noses, and we had no idea of it. There was no better explanation for the message I was staring at.
Like a green snake slithering through a sheet of green grass to camouflage itself as it aims for its clueless prey. It wouldn't be detected until it has made its negative impact.

"I see, you've received the message," a voice snapped me out of my trance. "I was wondering where you were when I was making the announcement."

That caused my frown to deepen further. I stared at Major Harris who stood in front of me, looking at me with a set of unfazed eyes. To hell with the formalities.

" You gave the announcement?" I asked, knowing very well that he was the one spearheading the operation. I tucked the phone back into my pocket before throwing another question back at him. " Why would they order us to abort the operation?"

" I understand what you are feeling. I felt the same when Lt. General Shagari ordered me to spread the word. We were giving it our one and all." He slid his hand into his pocket and stalked towards me to close the distance between us, save to a meter or less. " He just received the news too, I guess." Major Harris added.
That was when it dawned on me. The envelope I had sent to him might have contained that fax.

" Let it go," he clapped my back. " I told you we have done all the hard work already. Eid is close. Don't overthink."

That made me chuckle lightly and he looked impressed by my reaction.

" If you say so," I shrugged, convinced by his words. God knows what Fahad and I would do without this man.

We parted ways right after. He headed towards the staff office while I proceeded to the mosque. Farad's soothing call to prayer wafted through the air, already easing off the tension within me. Talk of the right timing.


Nothing. I repeat nothing felt better at the moment more than the calm breeze that lingered about as sat on a bench at the rooftop of my block. It was midnight already, and I was far from sleep. Hence, I decided to cool off. It was my favorite spot. Down below, the vast compound was still lively as several soldiers still loitered about. This barracks never really sleeps.
I heard footsteps behind me, and I needed no genius to tell me who it was.
" Aren't you supposed to be asleep?" Sa'eed asked when he joined me on the bench.

" I could ask you the same question. Didn't you say you'd be leaving for Kano today?" He handed me a can of soda, and I accepted it readily.

He hummed in response before taking a sip of his soda. " Yes, I have a few things to deal with there. But I won't keep long. When I get back, we can return to Kano together for Eid."

The corners of my lips lifted slightly, thinking of how special the coming festival would be. I popped the can open, hearing the drink sizzle. It was chilled, just to my liking. The feeling of it coursing down my throat was much more relieving. I let out a contented sigh and set the can beside me.

" So what plans do we have for Eid?" He turned to me with another enquiry. " It's going to be pretty boring with my family. My father is too caught up with work, my mother and sisters are not in the country. The extended family is not fun." The bored look on his face said it all. I couldn't help but laugh.
He gazed at me with a piercing gaze, thinking that I found his plight funny. It wasn't his situation but the look on his face.
I sobered up a while later and took a gulp from the can of soda. Then again, I was finding it hard to control my laughter. My mouth was full with the drink and I burst out laughing, causing the drink to spurt out everywhere. It was all funny until I began to choke. It turned into a fit of coughs, constricting my chest until I let it out.

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