Chapter 9- Labyrinth

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   Just as agreed, Sayida and Amarachi held my post up for me even after I chose not to return to the operation theatre. I deemed it right after having discarded my attires. I was now contaminated. To add to it all, I was drained. Too drained to even think of doing anything else. I had several patients under me, a lot of research on my schedule, and even, my dissertation. I walked back to the office I shared with Sayida, putting little effort into returning the greetings of those who had initiated it. I even passed by the children's ward without sparing it a glance. I didn't have the energy to.
I was so close to breaking down. So close.

I opened the door to our office and shut the door behind me when I got in. My feet carried me to my desk on muscle memory. I sank into the swivel chair that welcomed me with all the comfort it could offer. To add to my fogged brain, the desk was disorganized, creating a haywire atmosphere. Spined notebooks opened and splayed over the desks, with stationary in places that could hardly be detected.
I only slouched further into the chair, bringing up my hands to massage my temple. There and then, my stomach growled, reminding me that I had little to eat in the morning, and it was almost 6 p.m

I let out an exasperated sigh and pulled out my phone from the rubble on my desk. A few taps later, I was notified of my takeout order from Maina's Restaurant. I had to place another one for Sayida. I wondered what was keeping her out there.
Knowing my food was on its way seemed to be the only motivation I needed to start clearing up my table. In a few minutes, I was done and went back to my phone for a social media break- some memes to make up for my miserable life.

I didn't know how the Instagram algorithm worked, but Emraan Malik's post was the first to appear on my page the very moment I clicked the app. It was a slide that consisted of five pictures. I followed him the very day I saw him at the charity event. He hadn't followed back. Not that I expected him to.
The very first picture was of Eskander and him, beaming at the camera. I could tell that it was from the auction.
The next one was of Zayn, whose smile was rather subtle. I hadn't heard from him since the day we spoke at the event. A small smile tugged my lips, remembering that day. Probably, gone back to the barracks.

I didn't know what I was looking for when I got onto his page and clicked on his story.
I was right, he's gone back.
The first video was of a multitude dressed in white shirts and blue shorts, running like their lives depended on it. Recruits, I guessed.
The next one was a picture of him. The man in the frame sported a fresh haircut and a much more defined moustache. Lying isn't the best thing to do, so why not side with the truth?

He's a whole package.

Yarima ate and left no crumbs.

My thumb definitely moved on its own, and tapped the little heart shape a the bottom right of the screen, turning it red.

The next thing that happened was least expected. I gaped as I stared at the pop-up notification on my phone.

Ashraf Malik started following you.

I just logged out and switched off my phone. My hands flew up to cover my mouth.

Khayra, you again.

The door opened, and Sayida walked in. I couldn't even compose myself.
Why was I overreacting?
She shot me a look as if I had grown a second head.

" What is wrong with you?"


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I mean, who does that?
I scoffed at her antics.
After stalking me, I finally decided to give her an open chance, and all she did was log off.
Well, don't ask me how I got to know about the stalking part, but c'mon.

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