Chapter 10-No distractions, Comrades.

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8th May, 2020


It has been a little over two weeks since I got back at the barracks. Already, we were halfway through Ramadan. Day fifteen, to be precise. How fast the days run. However, there was something that refused to let us have peace of mind. The fact that the Boko Haram group has not made any counter move yet.
Their leader had made a clear threat to us if we didn't stop pursuing them. A week ago, we launched a successful attack under Major Harris. It's been a week and we haven't heard from them. My superiors concluded that we might have weakened their systems, but I wasn't on board with that. They could have counterattacked, but a part of me thinks they are just laying low to gather their defense or continue to plan something more sinister. Heck, all they have been is sinister. Probably, we did weaken their systems with the attack. After sending us a clear threat, our attack should have been anticipated by them.

Them not attacking us now might work in our favour. Trying to trace the video was still a failure. Nothing at all gave us a precise location as to where the video was taken, and it was frustrating. Others say we hit them too hard with the recent attack.

Ramadan was doing the most right now. The slightest wind could blow me away. In a staff meeting room, I sat at a rectangular table with Major Harris, including his team and mine. The rest were seated on wooden chairs in the vast room. The project got bigger, so he had to step in to aid us. I was grateful, because, working with him has been nothing short of inspiring.

Undeniably, my throat was parched. I stretched a hand to reach for a bottle of water that was supposed to be in front of me when I realized there was nothing. I was fasting, and it was only the Christians amongst us who had the bottles of water. A foolish smile formed on my face as a result of my folly.
One look from Major Harris had my smile falling into a thin line. He then continued to explain a few things to us. I took in a deep breath before picking up my pen to jot down a point. It was a little over five-thirty. I was sure the meeting would be ending anytime soon and the recruits should be getting ready with iftar by now. It didn't take long before Major Harris rounded up the meeting, and I couldn't be more relieved.

We stood up to exchange salutations right before he walked out of the staff room. As per hierarchy, I followed the Major before the rest of them made it out of the room.

As I neared the mosque where we were supposed to break our fast, I was reminded of the nostalgic feeling that came with fasting at home. Dining with dignitaries at the mosque, friends, family, and even the people who are lucky enough to get invites. Iftar was always the best. Especially, when I have to close from work early to get home. Everything about it, especially, the watermelon. As if it knows it is Ramadan - Eskander's words, not mine. The thought of him had me fishing my phone out of my pocket and dialing his number. He picked up on the third ring.

"Captain," he called, and I fought the urge to roll my eyes at him.

"Eskander," I returned. "How are you doing?"

He let out a loud gasp. This time, I rolled my eyes at him although he couldn't see me.

" Are you sure this is Captain Ashraf Malik?" He let out a laugh.

" Remind me not to enquire about your well-being again."

His laughter grew louder, and I regretted picking up my phone to dial his number in the first place.

" No vex, abeg." His laughter finally died down, much to my content. " I'm in good health, Alhamdulillah." He answered like a civilized person now. " I'm at your house. Nana asked me to help her prepare for the Iftar dinner this weekend. For far, it's going well."

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