II. I Guess The Old You Is A Ghost

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CHAPTER TWO.              MADMAX
OCTOBER 30.                                    1984


RUMORS HAD DEFINITELY slowly begun to spread the morning of October 30th in Hawkins. Talk of Indigo Henderson being back in town. The girl who ran like hell out of town only to come crawling back after the fame became too much.

But rumors hadn't spread quickly enough, as Nancy Wheeler and Steve Harrington had heard nothing about it.

They were just outside of his car, watching as a blue Chevrolet Camaro with California plates swerved into the parking lot. They watched as the redheaded middle schooler stormed away, and the boy with long dirty blond hair and denim cigarettes walked through the lot.

But all figures in the parking lot froze at the sight of the Lincoln. Billy Hargrove even stopped, cigarette in hand, as the black car swerved into the lot. Steve Harrington and Nancy Wheeler shared confused looks. Who the hell drove a Lincoln?

Their questions were answered when a man with darker skin and sunglasses climbed out of the passenger side, opening up the back seat door. Blond hair, leather jacket, sunglasses, tight black top, fishnets and denim, and a bright red lip. Everyone knew exactly who it was. It was further confirmed when Claudia followed by a grumpy Dustin Henderson came climbing out the opposite side in his purple hoodie and jeans, grumbling as he started walking in the direction of the middle school.

Nancy's eyes were wide as she stared. "Is that Indi?" She asked finally, unsure if this was real.

Steve gripped the door of his car tightly, clenching his jaw and grinding his teeth. "Yeah." Was all he could say. He knew it was her. He could probably spot her miles away.

Vinny wrapped an arm around Indigo's shoulders. Red came out of the driver's side, wearing a black shirt and a black jacket. He walked ahead of them, his intimidating presence causing everyone to stumble back. Claudia held her daughter's hand tightly. Indigo felt sick. She could feel eyes pulling her apart as they compared her to the last time they saw her.

"I can't believe she's back," Nancy said in surprise, remembering hearing about what happened. "Do you think she's okay? Should we say something?"

"What's there to say, Nance?"

The Wheeler looked at her boyfriend in surprise. She hadn't expected him to be so cold. "Steve, she just almost died, show a little compassion," She muttered with a scowl before shutting her door, and walking towards the school. There were clusters of students whispering about the Henderson girl who just walked into school.

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