X. Every Time I Go Right, Everything Goes Wrong

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NOVEMBER 3.                               1984


HAMMER TO FALL BY QUEEN PLAYED ON THE RADIO. Indigo sat in the passenger side of Steve's car, looking out the window. Dustin explained everything that happened. Finding Dart on Halloween, keeping him in his turtle tank, Indigo suddenly back in her room to find Dart, and then the two of them trapping Dart in their cellar.

     But then there was Indigo. Steve couldn't shake it. She was here, alive and safe, appearing to be sober, and she was in his car, talking about Demogorgons. She was wearing clothes that were hers and not Nancy's or a performance look. She smelled not like herself. Like apples, maybe, and cigarettes. She wasn't right, but at the same time she looked better than she had the entire week she'd been home.

     She'd only been home for a few days, and this happened. What a disaster.

     Indigo looked out the window again, playing with the sleeve of her sweatshirt. It was frayed on the edges, probably from her fiddling with it so much. She tapped her foot to the beat of the song. She'd performed with the band once.

     Dustin was in the backseat, pressing his lips into a line. He looked at Indigo, waiting to see what she'd say or do next. He waited for Steve, to snap or something at Indigo. He was sitting with two wildcards, and he knew it. It freaked him out a bit.

     Steve was the one to cut the silence. "Wait a sec. How big?" He asked Dustin, looking in the rear view mirror.

     The boy scooted forward, shoving Indigo and Steve's arms so he could put his own between them. He put his fingers a few in chest apart. "First it was like that." Steve and Indigo watched as he held up both hands, farther apart. He smacked Indigo's head, causing her to grunt. "Now he's like this."

     "I swear to God, man, it's just some little lizard, okay?"

     Indigo scoffed, "That thing is not a lizard." She commented, looking out the window as she shook her head.

     "How do you know?" Steve argued. There was his bitter tone. The one Indigo became used to. The one that made her want to shrink up, usually. But not tonight. Tonight, it just ticked her off.

     She looked at him. Indigo turned her entire body in the seat to face Steve. "How do I know?"

     "How do you know it's not just a lizard?"

     "Because its fucking face opened up and it ate my cat!"

     Steve wasn't expecting that.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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