VI. The Drug Dealer And The Teenage Addict

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CHAPTER SIX. Will The Wise
NOVEMBER 1.         1984



     Dustin cursed as he threw his headphones, letting them land on his desk as he spun around to see Indigo standing in his doorway. Her jeans were loose on her thin legs. She had lost so much weight since she left. It was the drugs. The only thing keeping her pants up was her belt. Without Nancy's sweater on, Indigo looked different. She looked less like a Hawkins girl. Her hair was spilling messily over her shoulders. Her fishnets were ripped and destroyed, getting worse at the knees.  He could see splotchy purples and greens on her knees from who knows what. She had been a klutz even before she left, some things never change.

     Realizing it was only his older sister and not an actual grown up, he sighed in relief. Dustin let his shoulders fall, his eyes rolling at the newfound annoyance that it was his older sister. "What are you doing in my room?" He asked her.

     "Asking you what happened to Will."

     Indigo walked further in. Dustin's shoulders tensed right back up and he looked between her and his tank for his pet turtle. If she paid attention, she'd realize his turtle wasn't in there. Indigo walked further in, and Dustin moved to stand in front of the tank. Don't make it obvious, Dustin. Indigo will tell Mom and Vinny everything.

     The blond, on the other hand, had looked around the room to notice how much it had changed since he left. There was more science stuff, things that proved how smart he was. Movies, comics, action figures. Still young, but not as childish as when he was little. Less toys than before. The turtle tank was the most normal thing in there.

     She looked back at Dustin. The memories of Will on the field burned into her mind in a way she didn't expect. It shook her to her core. It hurt her stomach to think about. "When did he start doing that?"

     So many thoughts rushed through Dustin's head. He thought about making a simple answer, like what him and his friends gave Max Mayfield. But then he thought about when Indigo left. Will adored the older Henderson. He was so sad when she was gone. He was so sad when she didn't come home. Sure, Will got over it just like the other boys did, but the memories of a pouty Will coming over seeing and empty teenage girls bedroom made Dustin angry all over again.

     He was hyperaware of the tank behind him. The creature inside the glass. Indigo couldn't see it. She had to leave. He had to get her out of his room. And he knew how. Not only would it get her out of his room, but it'd feel really good too.

     Dustin rolled his eyes. "What do you care?" He asked bitterly. He didn't mean for it to be so cruel. But he wanted her to get out of his room. Hell, get out of his life.

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