VIII. He/She Isn't Normal

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CHAPTER EIGHT.          Will The Wise
NOVEMBER 2.         1984


INDIGO HENDERSON HAD BEEN MISSING FOR TWENTY-FOUR HOURS. The town had already put posters, taken witness statements, multiple tips were called in (all which lead to nowhere). Chief Jim Hopper would have been more involved, but he had something with Will Byers to handle. So, Deputy Powell took it over.

Meanwhile, Indigo was back in the Munson Trailer, eating a bowl of cereal while looking between Eddie and the TV. They were watching cartoons, something light hearted and simple. Eddie didn't want to trigger her by watching the news. In his hand, was a bottle of beer. It hung loosely in his grip. Indigo had her own sitting on the coffee table.

"My brother, Dustin, he said he wish I stayed away." Indigo announced casually. Eddie looked at her. She took another bite of her cereal. Milk dripped off her lip. Her eyes never left the TV. Tom and Jerry. Tom, the gray cat, chased down Jerry, the brown mouse, usually getting injured in the process. The show was one of her and Dustin's favorites as kids. "He said that I left. I abandoned him and my mom. He said that I pretended like they didn't exist anymore. And he's right. I did. I left and never came back. If it weren't for the overdose, I wouldn't have came back for who knows how long." Eddie nodded slowly. He watched her eyes travel down. She was guilty. She felt sick. Like she was going to get sucked into the ground by her demons and torn apart. But that wouldn't happen. Not physically anyways.

The Munson shifted in his seat. "Do you think the overdose made you want to quit?" He asked.

Indigo scoffed, before bringing her cereal bowl to her lips. She drank the milk quickly. When she was done, she leaned to put it on the table. "I've wanted to quit since that damn New Year's party." She blurted. "Ever since Vinny's assistant, Maddy, told me to try it. She said it'd loosen me up, make me have fun. It did, I guess. But she didn't say it'd make me fucking miserable." Indigo looked at the coffee table, remnants of the lines she had been doing all over. "Do you think I'll ever be sober?"

Eddie looked at her for a long moment, weighing his answers. He thought about it, bouncing his leg as he did. An undiagnosed anxiety weighing down in his everyday shoes. "I think so." He said finally. Indigo looked surprised. "I think, truthfully, you just need people in your life that are going to help you. But people like Vinny's assistant, paparazzi, and Billy Hargrove aren't going to help you."

"Are you always this intellectual?" She asked with a scrunched nose. Eddie chuckles, taking a swig of his beer.

"If I was, I wouldn't have repeated senior year."

Indigo hummed, realizing Eddie was in fact a year older than her. She shifted on the couch, facing him completely now. "A super senior, hm?" She teased. "So, what, the dream is to graduate this year?"

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