Chapter 11

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A man's voice rang from behind Serena. Serena thought that the voice was rather familiar. And when she recalled to whom the voice belonged to, she felt as if her mind was going to explode for the second time that day. She whipped her head around, and indeed, it was Ethan.

"Clang!" Serena's glass slipped from her hand, shattering into pieces on the floor.

What had Ethan heard!

Linda was stunned as well. She pointed at Ethan. "Serena, isn't... isn't that your husband?"

Serena had no mood to think that Ethan was her husband. She only wanted to withdraw every single word that she had said, and bite off her tongue.

Ethan darkened his face and said, "Serena, come here."

Linda was immediately overwhelmed by Ethan's face and aura, "He is so cool and handsome!"

Enchanted by his handsome face, Linda forgot that Serena was her friend and pushed her to him while saying, "Go there, your husband is calling you."


Before she could react, Serena lost her balance and bumped into Ethan's arms. The cologne on him smelled good. Serena's body was so close to Ethan's, and he smelled her natural fragrance at once. He felt as if something was tickling his heart, which beat quickly at the moment. He never had such a feeling before... He frowned even harder and helped Serena find her balance, avoiding her from getting close.

Serena found her balance in embarrassment and forced two words out of her mouth. "Thank you."

Ethan replied coldly, "Go back with me."

Serena shook her head with a terrified expression. She could not tell whether Ethan was angry at her or not and did not know what he would do. Ethan narrowed his eyes. "So, you want to continue on talking with this man here?" Serena wanted to die—he indeed heard everything.

"It's a mistake." Linda immediately explained. "Serena didn't expect to chat with Daniel here. I arranged this. She said she didn't know how to get familiar with you, so, I found Daniel to let her gain experience. She has no other interest in Daniel."

"Miss, stop!"

Henry glared at Linda. "You're really as stupid as a goose. How could you tell him such a shameful thing?"

"What? I'm telling the truth." Linda looked at Ethan with a complaisant smile and said, "Serena just said that she would never do anything wrong to you. You heard it, didn't you?"

"..." "Miss, you're even stupider than a goose." Henry thought.

Right then, Daniel came back from the bathroom. After he calmed down, he realized that he likes Serena and did not care she was into scary things. He just had not expected it. He came back happily only to encounter Ethan and Liam. After a moment of shock, he asked, "Serena, what... happened?" Ethan looked familiar to him.

"He just called her 'Serena'?" A sharp light flashed through the depth of Ethan's eyes. He pulled Serena to his side, arms around her waist as if he was telling that she was his. He looked at Daniel coldly and asked, "You know my wife?"

What a strong aura!

Daniel recognized The Ethan Anderson at once, his forehead covered with sweats. "Mr. Ethan, sorry, I've mistaken your wife for someone else. I'll go right now and leave you alone."

Daniel was more panic than surprised when knowing that Serena had married Ethan, How can he just forget about the news he saw yesterday. He dared not to have any design on her anymore for the rest of his life unless he wanted to be marked for death.

Ethan won the battle with a single move. Linda was enchanted by him again, looking as if there would be pink bubbles flying out of her eyes. "He is really cool."

Serena did not want to talk to the stupid Linda anymore. She struggled against Ethan and said, "Ethan, let me go."

It was late spring, so, she was thinly clad. Ethan felt as if he was fondling her creamy smooth waist as she struggled.

"It felt so damn good!" He tightened his arms around her waist then let go of it slowly.

Ethan's car was parked at the entrance of the bar. He wrenched the door open and pushed her in. Serena took out the key of the car quickly and forced a smile. "I drove your car here and can drive it back myself."

Ethan smirked and looked gentle, "How can you get familiar with me if you drive back alone?"

Serena's hand that held the key was frozen in the air, and the corner of her mouth twitched. Ethan looked strange when he tried to be gentle, which only scared Serena. Ethan seized the key from Serena's hands and threw it backward. He pushed her to the passenger's seat and shut the door. His movements were smooth and made him look dashing.

Serena pressed her face against the car window, wanting to know where Ethan had thrown the key to. Finally, she found it in a man's hand. Liam waved the key in his hands at her and mouthed to her. "I got the car. Be assured and just go home."

"..." Serena had no excuse to get off now.

Ethan sat down at the driver's seat and started driving his eye-catching Aston Martin ONE77 towards his Villa.

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Happy reading ❤️




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