Chapter 40

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It was a private garden with a restaurant specially built inside it. Usually, it wasn't open to the public. Only on special days would the restaurant be open for business for a short time. Many people had tried to make reservations, but it was almost impossible to get one.

It wasn't the usual time for the restaurant to be open for business. How did Ethan manage to snag a reservation?

 How did Ethan manage to snag a reservation?

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She really didn't know what was happening...

The assistant stood by the side and explained cheerfully, "Boss said that Ms. Serena would surely like this place, so he purchased it. This is the first surprise for you today."

The first surprise...

Could there be a second one as well?

Serena lifted her head and looked at him in astonishment. Ethan merely smiled and did not say anything as he pulled out the chair before her like a gentleman and invited her to take a seat.

He sat across from her.

Very quickly, the waiter brought a very special candle holder to them.

After that, he carried a bouquet of freshly cut roses. As he walked forward, he inserted the roses one by one into the vase on the table. Roses were still sent to their table at a steady flow even after he was done putting roses into the vase. This carried on until all the tables and railings of the outdoor restaurant were filled with red roses.

The candlelight flickered and vied with the roses for brightness; it made one feel that they were situated in a sea of flowers...

"1001 red roses are the second surprise." The waiter who was in charge of placing the flowers handed the most brightly colored rose to Serena.


As Serena stared at the rose in front of her, her heartbeat started to speed up uncontrollably. She tried very hard to steady herself.

"These steaks are for the both of you. Please enjoy." The waiter brought two covered sets of steaks up and placed them neatly on the table. Following which, he removed the metal covers. Two steaks that were shaped in the form of a heart were laying silently on the white plates. Even the petals that were used to decorate the dish were from a rose...

Pink bubbles seemed to pop out incessantly from one's heart as one watched on. Was this the third surprise of the night? How many surprises had he exactly prepared?

All of a sudden, a strong premonition formed in Serena's heart.

However, she had been disappointed a few times already. This time around, what if she was overthinking it again...

Serena took in a deep breath. Picking up the silverware, she prepared to cut into the steak. She heard a sound the moment she sliced it. It was so shocking that she paused in her movements. Just when she was wondering if there would be something in her steak, she suddenly realized that the sound did not come from her plate.

Instead, it came from the foot of a mountain that was very close to them...


An explosion of splendid-looking fireworks rang out loudly in the night sky.

Rose designs blossomed in midair.


The second salvo of fireworks followed closely and rose into the sky.

It was a double heart design this time.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Round after round, bright and resplendent fireworks erupted in the night sky.

Just like shooting stars, they lit up the entire night sky.

By the end of the show, Serena could no longer make out the designs clearly, and all she could see was a sea of bright lights among the fireworks. As she rose calmly from her seat, she walked toward the man in front of her.

Just when she was so surprised that she couldn't utter a single word, he took out the Queen's Ring from his pocket.

Then, he knelt down on one knee slowly.

As he held the ring up, he said with a pause after every word, "Serena, Will you be my second half for the rest of my life? From today onward, you will be my queen! My body will only serve you, Serena, I will live for you...I will die for you...I will kill for you, till the day I die, It is my promise."


Biting her lips, Serena willed herself to tilt her head upward and to restrain her tears from flowing down. Her vision had already turned blurry.

After she heard what he said, everything that she had mentioned previously about how she feels towards him. She extended her hand out toward him and nodded her head violently, saying, "Yes, I will be by your side for the rest of our lives!"

The corner of Ethan's mouth curved up; a rare, child-like smile that was filled with joy lit up his extremely handsome face. As he slid the second ring onto her ring finger for this time promising eternal love, he stood up and stretched out his arms.

"Serena, I love you!"

"I love you too!" Serena had failed to control herself a while ago and was drenched in tears. As she dove straight into his embrace, she hugged him tightly and refused to let go. At this point in time, the environment around them seemed to have vanished.

He only had eyes for her.

"Serena, I will never ever let you leave once you have entered my world."

As he cupped her face with his hands, he planted a deep kiss on her lips...

After the kiss ended. Ethan drew her into his embrace and allowed her to sit on his thigh. Just like a eternal pair, both of them hugged each other tightly.

After that, she seemed to have thought of something as she lowered her head and took a glance at the work attire she was wearing. All of a sudden, she hammered on Ethan's chest.

She grumbled unhappily and asked, "Why did you acted cold since morning when It wasn't even my mistake?"


"I just wanted to make sure that we both will never forget about this emotional day, I wanted to make it an unforgettable day filled with roller-coaster emotions, Do you like it?" Ethan said stroking her brown curls.

"I like it but still I was so afraid that you are gonna leave me..." 

"Never! It will never happen. You will never be able to part with me until the day we die. I will never allow it. We will live together, We will breath together, and We will die together, it's my promise" Ethan promised sincerely looking into her misty brown eyes. Serena was startled. As she stared at the handsome face that resembled a perfectly drawn painting, she lowered her head and took a glance at the ring

As Ethan hugged Serena in his embrace, he cut up the heart-shaped steak in front of him into smaller cubes and sent them to her mouth one piece at a time.

Serena had exhausted her body after crying and laughing the entire day, She leaned into his embrace and she also reciprocated his actions and feed him the steak lovingly with beautiful smile on her lips.

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Happy reading ❤️




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